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Everyone is talking about ChatGPT, and many predict that it and similar ‘large language models’ will have a major impact on education, learning, science and publishing. The ILLC – home to Amsterdam’s largest research group studying language models – invites lecturers, students, and collaborators to a morning on ChatGPT & the university.
Event details of Sign up for A morning with ChatGPT
3 April 2023
11:00 -13:00
Humanities Labs F.01

How does it work? What can it do, and what can it not do? What are some of the ethical and legal dilemma’s when using this technology? We’ll have some short talks and demonstrations, and plenty of time to answer your questions.
Prof Raquel Fernández (dialogue systems)
Dr Jelle Zuidema (explainable AI)
Dr Jelke Bloem (digital humanities)
Dr. Sandro Pezzelle (responsible AI)
Dr. Marjolein Lanzing (Philosophy of Technology)
and others.

Bushuis/Oost-Indisch Huis

Room Humanities Labs F.01
Kloveniersburgwal 48 (main entrance)
1012 CX Amsterdam