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What are the main differences between academic writing and fiction writing? Art historian Sophie Berrebi found out for herself when working on her recently published novel The Sharing Economy. With dean Marieke de Goede she discusses creativity, freedom, writing styles and taking responsibility for what you write.

Berrebi’s book The Sharing Economy was published this month by Simon & Schuster. A Dutch translation is in the making and will be published later this spring.

De Goede Gesprekken Live

From April, De Goede Gesprekken, the podcast in which dean Marieke de Goede talks to people in and around the faculty, will also be programmed live. A 'goed gesprek' on location and accessible to visitors. This first edition is dedicated to the exhibition Cross-Pollinations: Art and the Petunia Collection and takes place on April 6 from 12:00 - 13:00 at VOX-POP

Dr. S.Y. (Sophie) Berrebi

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen

Capaciteitsgroep Kunstgeschiedenis