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Addressing questions that have been central in theoretical syntax since at least the 1970s, this book investigates clause types in West Germanic from a generative perspective, building also on novel empirical data from corpus studies and linguistic experiments.

The book provides a novel analysis for the syntax of the clausal left periphery, focusing on various finite clause types and especially on embedded clauses. It investigates how the appearance of multiple projections interacts with economy principles and with the need for marking syntactic information overtly. In particular, the proposed account shows that a flexible approach assuming only a minimal number of projections is altogether favourable to cartographic approaches. The main focus of the book is on West Germanic, in particular on English and German, yet other Germanic and non-Germanic languages are also discussed for comparative purposes.

The book offers a cohesive account of clause typing and will be of particular interest to researchers and postgraduate students in the areas of theoretical linguistics and English linguistics.

The book is open access and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.