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Armitha Karimi, second-year student
Student in dark shirt with a blurred building in the background
Armitha Karimi

Cultural diversity

Communication science gives me the opportunity to meet people from all around the world, working with students from different backgrounds and learning more about different cultures. The classes are small and international which creates interesting discussions with many different perspectives.

Open opportunities

To personalise my study I am currently writing my thesis within Persuasive Communication and next year I am planning to go abroad for one semester. I will do my electives at the University of Melbourne, Australia. The global exchange programme that the UvA offers is a great opportunity to experience new student life in a different environment and to learn about more interesting subjects outside Communication Science. In addition, I chose to put my academic knowledge into practice by doing an internship in an international organisation.

Passion for Persuasive Communication

The topic of Persuasive Communication enables me to learn more about people’s behaviours and ways to influence them to live healthier. In a couple of years, I would see myself working in a communication marketing department; using communication means to develop strategies that help people, for example, to improve their well-being.