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You are more likely to be successful in your studies if you choose the right discipline. Therefore, UvA Matching is an essential part of your enrolment in a Bachelor’s programme. Through Matching you familiarise yourself with the programme before it begins. Participation in UvA Matching is compulsory for new UvA students and highly recommended for all students who switch to this programme after starting their first year at a different UvA Bachelor’s programme.

Why Matching?

UvA Matching is a compulsory component for all prospective students who register for a UvA bachelor's degree program and who have never studied at the UvA before. This includes prospective students applying with an International Baccalaureate (IB), obtained in the Netherlands. Participation in UvA Matching is also compulsory if you come from one of the Dutch overseas territories (Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, Saba, Curaçao, Aruba or Sint Maarten). UvA Matching helps you to test whether you have made the right study choice. 

Matching: Getting Started

If you have applied for this program and you have received a positive admission decision, you can sign up for the course ‘Matching’ via the ‘checklist application’. You will receive an email with more information about the Matching process in May 2025. If you have previously studied at the University of Amsterdam, you will not be able to register for Matching yourself. Should you want to participate in our Matching out of personal interest, you are most welcome to. Please contact the Education Desk Social Sciences to request to be manually registered for our Matching.

UvA Matching for the Bachelor Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology takes place on our online learning platform Canvas. Study materials will be published on Canvas on 13 May 2025. We recommend that you log into Canvas using your UvAnetID prior to the start of our Matching, so you do not encounter any technical difficulties during the Matching itself. 

Matching: Mandatory Components and Deadlines

Matching for the Bachelor Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology consists of the following compulsory components:

  1. Read the literature; 
  2. Watch the webinar by Dr. Vincent de Rooij on memory and rituality; 
  3. Submit the written assignment on rituality; 
  4. Watch the documentary film Between Memories by visual anthropologist Martha Dietrich; 
  5. Submit the written assignment on the forementioned documentary film; 
  6. Fill in our intake form (especially important if you study with a chronic illness/disability); 
  7. Come to the Meet & Match activity at Roeterseiland Campus (optional). 

Our Matching will run from 2 - 11 June 2025. The study material will be published on Canvas in the beginning of May, should you prefer to study the study material in advance. We advise you to calculate enough time to complete the Matching. You can complete our Matching in one day or choose to spread it over several days. You may complete our Matching at your own pace, but please note that you need to have completed our Matching before 11 June 2025, 23:59 (CEST) in order to have fulfilled your UvA Matching obligation. It is not possible to complete our Matching at a later date. Late submissions will not be graded.

We will conclude our Matching with an on-campus Meet & Match meeting on Thursday 13 June in the afternoon. The exact times and details will follow on Canvas in June 2025. To make this afternoon possible, we are working together with our study association CASA. Participation in the Meet & Match is not mandatory, yet highly recommended.

After Matching

Upon completion of the Matching written assignment, you will receive your grade. Thereafter, you will receive your official personal (non-binding) Matching advice based on your results. We expect to send you this advice letter by 1 July 2025. Please note that only the written assignment will be graded with a score: unsatisfactory, satisfactory or excellent. If you receive an unsatisfactory score, this does not mean that the UvA will reject you. However, in this case we strongly recommend you reconsider your study choice and join the webinar ‘Reorientation following UvA Matching’. 

Further Information on Matching

Do you have further questions regarding UvA Matching? Please read through the Frequently Asked Questions first. Should that not answer your questions on UvA Matching, please contact the Education Desk Social Sciences through edss@uva.nl or (0031) (0)20-525 3777.