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If you have obtained or will obtain a diploma or degree certificate from a Dutch educational institution, please follow the steps below to apply for this programme.

Application process:

  • 1. Check deadlines

    The application for applicants with Dutch prior education is 1 May.

  • 2. Check entry requirements

    The English taught Bachelor's programme in Human Geography and Planning is open to all students who meet the requirements specified below.

    Previous education

    Students will need to have completed their secondary school diploma before the start of the BSc in Human Geography and Planning. The diploma (to be) obtained should be equivalent to a Dutch VWO diploma with mathematics and English taken as subjects on upper secondary / university preparatory education level and if and when applicable, both subjects should be included in the final secondary school or university entry examinations. Also, students are expected to have a basic knowledge of modern history.

    Please see the list of approved qualifications here below for an overview on diplomas that are considered equivalent to the Dutch VWO-diploma. The list is far from exhaustive, will be updated on a regular basis and is meant for general guidance only. No rights can be derived from it. All applications will be evaluated on an individual basis by professional diploma evaluators.

    If your qualification is not on the list, it does not necessarily mean you cannot be admitted and you are invited and encouraged to apply.


    In general, mathematics has to be included in the upper secondary education curriculum up until the final year and final examinations. The level of mathematics should be equivalent to at least the Dutch level of VWO mathematics: Wiskunde C. There are no further minimum grade requirements.

    An alternative route to meet the mathematics entry requirement may be to complete one of the English taught mathematics courses and exams offered by the James Boswell institute in The Netherlands. We will accept VWO certificates in mathematics A, B and C. Another alternative route may be to submit a SAT subject test Mathematics Level 1 score of at least 610 or an ACT Mathematics score of at least 27.

    James Boswell



    Language proficiency 

    All students must be able to read textbooks, understand lectures, take part in classroom discussions and write extensive academic papers. A high level of language proficiency is expected of all applicants. The programme is fully taught in English supplemented by Dutch-language tutorial groups and elective courses for those who wish. In any case, a good command of the English language is essential and needs to be supported by a sufficient test or school examination score as stipulated below.

    English test scores

    Non-native speakers of English are required to submit a valid English test score which is not more than 2 years old.

    • TOEFL Internet-based test: minimum total score 92; minimum score on each component 22
    • TOEFL Paper-based test: minimum score on each component 20; there is no minimum total score
    • IELTS test: minimum score 6.5, with at least 6 for each individual test component
    • Cambridge International Examinations: minimum scores C (CAE), C (CPE)

    Students are strongly encouraged to make early preparations for the test. Please refer to the contact details of test centers below. In case of insufficient scores, applicants can do a re-sit as long as deadlines are respected. Without sufficient test scores, you do not meet our admission requirements.



    Cambridge English test 


    The following applicants are exempted from submitting an English test score:

    Applicants who have obtained a Dutch VWO diploma or HBO propaedeutic diploma, or equivalent.

    Applicants who (will) have obtained their diploma taught in English in one of the following countries:

    • Australia
    • Canada
    • New Zealand
    • Ireland
    • United Kingdom
    • United States of America
  • 3. Submit enrolment application in Studielink
  • 4. Activate your UvanetID

    After submitting your enrolment application in Studielink, you will receive an email with your UvanetID. Follow the instructions in the email to activate your ID as you will need it to complete your UvA application.

    Please note that, after submitting your enrolment application in Studielink, it will take approximately 48 hours before you receive your UvAnetID. So make sure you register in Studielink well in advance so you do not miss the application deadline (see step 1).

After (conditional) admission:

  • 5. UvA Matching

    After submitting your enrolment application in Studielink you will receive an email with your UvAnetID. You can use this to log in to the Enrolment Checklist, which is where you  sign up for for UvA Matching.

  • 6. Attend introduction day

    In the week before the start of the programme, you will need to attend the compulsory Introduction Day. On this day you will receive all relevant programme information to make a good start. We will send you more detailed information about the Introduction Day in July.

  • 7. Request student ID card

    A student ID card is a personal card which serves as proof of identity for examinations or borrowing library books. You will receive instructions on how to request your student ID card.