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The Dual Master's programme in Archival Studies prepares you for a career in the world of archiving in the broadest possible sense. There is a growing need in many areas of the public and private sector for a better understanding of selection, retrieval, sustainability and archiving of all kinds of records and data. The Dual Master’s programme provides a critical skill-set that is required to connect relevant insights from multiple disciplines and professional fields and apply them in practical situations.

Where do our graduates work?

As a graduate of the programme, you will be qualified for research/policy-related, coordinating and strategic consultancy professions in areas such as archives, information analysis or data managing in institutional and private archives, heritage centres, museums, libraries, and creative industries and business. You can think of functions such as, municipal archivist, reference archivist, archival inspectorate, recordmanager, information management officer, documentalist, advisor digital information, information specialist, research assistant, digital archivist, researcher, information and public services.

Copyright: Annet Dekker, Archival and Information Studies
My research interests are driven by a curiosity into the infrastructures of cultural production, presentation, and preservation. Dr Annet Dekker Profile page Dr Annet Dekker

Do you have ambitions to start your own business? The Humanities Venture Lab is the place for the humanities entrepreneur starting out. As a student or alumnus, you can find training, coaching, inspiration sessions, and a workplace here. Watch the video’s below to see what the Humanities Venture Lab can do for you.

What can the Humanities Venture Lab offer you?
What can the Humanities Venture Lab offer you?
2 alumni about the added value of the Humanities Venture Lab
2 alumni about the added value of the Humanities Venture Lab

Your diploma is not a farewell

After graduating, you don't have to say goodbye to the University of Amsterdam! We are happy to help you develop your career. You can join the young alumni programme, which will assist you in mapping out your career. And as an alumnus, you can also still use the Student Careers Centre.