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Why study Communication and Information at the UvA?

Broad, career-oriented internship

The programme includes an internship in the Netherlands or abroad that serves as a stepping stone for your career in communication.

World-renowned researchers

The international staff comprises world-renowned researchers and experts to guide you during your studies.

Unique combination of theory and practice

This Master's combines discourse analysis and argumentation theory with a practical orientation providing the skills required for a career in professional communication.

Small-scale education

This programme offers a close-knit learning environment with direct access to scholars and an active academic community that regularly organises events on argumentation and communication.

Is Communication and Information right for you?

  1. You have a strong interest in verbal communication and argumentation.
  2. You are interested in communication, writing, argumentation and rhetoric.
  3. You want to be part of an international community with an intimate and personable learning environment.
What does this programme entail?
What does this programme entail?

In this video the teacher and students of the programme explain how this programme is structured and what the unique aspects are.

Copyright: FGw
We use argumentative language every day in our personal and professional interactions. This programme offers key tools for understanding and assessing such language Dr. Corina Andone (programme director)

Degree certificate

Communication and Information is an accredited degree programme of the Master's degree programme Communication and Information Studies. Upon successful completion of this programme, you will receive a legally accredited Master’s degree in Communication and Information Studies and the title Master of Arts (MA).

Facts & Figures
Degree programme
MA Communication and Information Studies
Regular study programme
90 ECTS, 18 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
CROHO code
University Quarter