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If you have obtained or will obtain a diploma or degree certificate from a Dutch educational institution, please follow the steps below to apply for this programme.

Application process for applicants with Dutch prior education

Contact details Education Desk

If you have any questions throughout the application process, please don't hesitate to contact the Education Desk.

  • 1. Check the deadlines

    To apply for this Master's programme you will need to register in Studielink AND apply for the programme at the Faculty of Science through DataNose before the mentioned dates, even if you have not completed your Bachelor's programme yet.

    Start your application procedure on time

    Registrations in Studielink and DataNose, and getting all documents ready will take several days. Therefore, we strongly recommend to start the application procedure at least a week before the deadline.

    Please note that applications received after the deadline will not be considered for admission.


    Starting in September

    30 April 23.59 CEST

    If your previous education took place at a Dutch institution but you do not hold the nationality from one of the countries of the EU or EEA (Switzerland included), your application deadline is 31 January 23:59 CET.


    Deadline with a UvA Scholarship 

    Please note that if you want to apply for a UvA Scholarship, other deadlines for application to the Master's programme apply.

  • 2. Check entry requirements

    Admission to the Master's Programme Artificial Intelligence is possible for students with one of the following qualifications:

    • A Dutch Bachelor degree in Artificial Intelligence or Computer Science.
    • A Bachelor degree from the University of Amsterdam of the Bèta-Gamma or Future Planet Studies programme with a major in Artificial Intelligence.
    • A Dutch or foreign qualification comparable to Artificial Intelligence or Computer Science, complemented by the following requirements:
      Basic knowledge of Computer Science (at least 12 EC), Basic programming skills (at least 12 EC), Basic university level Calculus (at least 6 EC), Basic university level Linear Algebra (at least 6 EC), Basic university level Probability and Statistics (at least 6 EC) and a motivation which matches the content of the Master's programme.

    Please note that we require formal academic European Credits (EC) from a higher education institution. Online courses, work experience and other forms of experience will not be accepted.

    Additional requirements

    In addition to the admission requirements referred to above the student has to comply with the following additional requirements:

    • The Bachelor's Grade Point Average (GPA) is at least 6.5 (according to the Dutch grading system). The GPA is the average of the Bachelor's course grades weighed by course/study load.
    • The student has obtained the Bachelor's degree within at most 3 years more than the nominal duration of the programme.

    Limited programme capacity and ranking criteria

    A maximum of 200 students are admitted to the Master's programme Artificial Intelligence.

    Candidates will be selected in the following way. First, candidates will have to meet the requirements and additional requirements as stated above. Subsequently all the candidates eligible for admission to the programme will be ranked by the ranking criteria. Each ranking criterion will be classified/assessed according to five categories: excellent, very good, good, sufficient, insufficient. Selection will be based on the following ranking criteria:

    • GPA score
    • Relevant AI projects (completed)
    • Programming skills
    • Knowledge of logic
    • Knowledge of mathematics
    • Topic of Bachelor thesis
    • Motivation for contents Master's programme
    • Relevant AI courses at level of Master's programme
    • Publications

    The ranking criteria apply to all candidates who have met the requirements and additional requirements as stated above. The Admissions Board will judge requests for admission on criteria mentioned above and select students on an individual basis and in comparison to the other applicants. These criteria will not be applied mechanically, but manually with careful consideration and judgement. For example, the value of the GPA may depend on a students' curriculum, publications may be more or less high ranked, etc.The top 200 candidates on the ranking list will be admitted to the Master's programme. The Admissions Board will grant admission to the selected candidates.

    No pre-Master's programme Artificial Intelligence

    Due to an enormous increase in interest and applications in the Master's programme Artificial Intelligence, we do not offer a pre-Master's programme.

    No pre-registration advice

    Unfortunately, due to the large number of applications, it is not possible to give any individual pre-registration advice (by e-mail) or to meet to discuss prior education and/or a possible admission in the upcoming academic year. To inform you about your (possible) admittance to the Master's programme it is necessary that you apply for the programme.

  • 3. Submit enrolment application in Studielink
  • 4. Activate your UvAnetID

    Within 48 hours after submitting your enrolment application in Studielink, you will receive an email with your UvAnetID and an email with instructions for the next step of the application process. Follow the instructions in the email to activate your UvAnetID as you will need it to complete your UvA application.

  • 5. Submit your UvA application form

    Only after activating your UvAnetID, you can submit your UvA online application via DataNose.

    Please make sure to upload the required documents in PDF format. Applicants who (will) hold more than one academic degree must merge copies of all academic transcripts into one PDF.

    In DataNose we expect you to upload the following documents:

    1.  A motivation letter in English (max. 500 words).
    2.  Your Curriculum Vitae in English. 
    3.  A copy of your Bachelor's transcript including your GPA. 
    4.  A copy of your Bachelor's diploma/certificate (or, if you have not yet finished your current academic programme, a list of courses of your final year). 
    5.  A description of your Bachelor's thesis/project. 


    Please make sure you have uploaded all the required documents, as you can't add any documents after submitting. Only your English scores can be sent in later.

    If you have any questions about the required documents as a student with a Dutch degree, please contact the Education Desk.

  • 6. Wait for admission decision

    As soon as you have submitted the (sufficiently) complete online form in DataNose, your application file will be acknowledged. It differs per programme how long it takes before you are informed via email about the decision on admission. We strive to process each application within 6 weeks. An admission will always be conditional as we must still verify your documents (consult step 8).  You can track the status of your admission using the checklist in DataNose.

After (conditional) admission

  • 7. Accept or decline offer

    If you are conditionally admitted to the Master's programme you will receive an admissions letter by means of email. In the letter you will find a link to DataNose to accept or decline your place in the programme. This has to be done within two weeks. If you have questions about this, please contact the Education Desk.

  • 8. Submit certified documents

    If you are (conditionally) admitted then do check your DataNose application. The link in your checklist gives you all required information about the verification of your previous education.

  • 9. Request student ID card

    A student ID card is a personal card which serves as proof of identity for examinations or borrowing library books. After admission, you will receive instructions on how to request your student ID card. 

  • 10. Pay the tuition fee

    In order to complete your enrolment for a degree programme at the UvA you will need to pay the tuition fee.