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Graduates of the Master's programme Biological Sciences are well prepared for a career in fundamental or applied research, or as a trained professional. Read more about the various sectors where graduates in Biological Sciences start their career (in Dutch)

Examples of positions our alumni hold are: 

  • Ecological adviser - Ministry of Economic affairs  
  • Biology teacher - High school
  • PhD candidate - Wageningen University


To acquire skills and knowledge that are useful for a career both within and outside academia, the student can compose a personal choice package from a recently designed Professional Skills training programme.

The job market

Overall, the career perspectives for Biological Sciences graduates are good. As shown in the table below did most alumni find a qualified job within six months after graduation. 

Teacher training programme

The major Teaching prepares students to become a teacher in Biology at secondary schools and Higher Vocational Education (Dutch: HBO), and is open for students from all tracks of the master's programma Biological Sciences. This major is offered by the Interfacultaire Lerarenopleidingen (ILO).