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The Master's in Global Cross-Media Cultures is a one-year programme that provides insight into television and cross-media media culture by focusing on the continuous transformations of the media landscape as well as their impact on the production, distribution and consumption of everyday media. You will learn how to provide well-informed, well-founded and practical criticism of television and cross-media culture.

Programme structure

  • Infrastructures and Networks
    Period 1

    Media infrastructures in daily life inform work, politics, leisure, and environments. Through discussion and excursion, this core course explores the theory, history and performance of cross-media infrastructures that underpin and organise social practices and relations of power.

  • Aesthetics and Storytelling
    Period 1

    In this core course you analyse how cross-media dynamics leads to the development of newly aesthetics and storytelling practices. You will familiarise yourself with several important aesthetic and narrative trends.

  • Cross-media Research Seminar 1
    Period 2

    This course introduces you to the most recent research in an emerging and specific field of cross-media studies. It offers an overview of the research tradition and the different positions structuring the field while also discussing the discipline’s open questions.

  • Cross-media Research Seminar 2
    Period 2

    In this course introduces you to the most recent research in an emerging and specific field of cross-media studies. It offers an overview of the research tradition and the different positions structuring the field while also discussing the discipline’s open questions.

  • Case Studies Television and Cross-Media
    Period 3

    In this course, you deepen your understanding of cross-media culture by designing and conducting a case study with guidance from a teacher.

  • Free-choice electives
    Period 4
    Period 5

    You can choose to follow a Media Studies elective, for example the course Sexuality and Media, but you can also opt for an elective offered by a different programme.

  • Master's Thesis Television and Cross-Media Culture
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6

    Your thesis reports on research carried out under the supervision of an academic staff member involved in the programme. The subject of the thesis must be agreed upon by the student and the academic adviser.

Compulsory course
UvA Course Catalogue: Television and Cross-Media Culture

Check the schedule

Wondering what your weekly schedule will look like as a master's student Global Cross-Media Cultures? Download the illustrative timetable and get an impression of the contact hours, balance between weekdays and your spare time.

Copyright: Leonie Schmidt
'The Television and Cross-Media Culture Master's is an exciting programme that will plunge you right into the latest discussions about television and cross-media industries. Together with the professors, you will explore how our current media landscape is transforming and unravel how these changes are affecting media aesthetics, cultural identities, and economic and technological infrastructures.' Dr Leonie Schmidt

Research Master's

Students who show exceptional promise during the one-year Master's programme are encouraged to continue their studies in the two-year Research Master's Media Studies. The Television and Cross-Media Cultures specialisation within the Media Studies Research Master's focuses on the on-going transformation of media culture, and its impact on culture, politics and everyday life. This intensive and selective two-year programme has been developed for students with proven ability in, and passion for, research.

Frequently Asked Questions