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If you have obtained or will obtain a diploma or degree certificate from an educational institution outside the Netherlands or an international school in the Netherlands, please follow the steps below to apply for this programme.

Eligibility quick scan

Do you want to know if you are eligible for the Master's programme Information Studies – Data Science track? Fill in our eligibility quick scan! By answering a few questions that take approx. 1-2 minutes, you receive an indication of your chances of being admitted.

Application process for applicants with international prior education

No Pre-Master Information Studies
From the academic year 2021-2022 on, the Master's programme Information Studies will no longer offer a pre-master programme due to an enormous increase in interest and students in the Master's programme.

Contact details International Team

Contact the International Team if you have questions about the application process.

  • 1. Check the deadlines

    To apply for this Master’s programme you will need to register in Studielink AND apply for the programme at the Faculty of Science through DataNose before the mentioned dates, even if you have not completed your Bachelor’s programme yet.

    Start your application procedure on time

    We strongly advise international students to apply as early as possible and at least a week before the deadline as the registrations in Studielink and DataNose and getting all documents ready will take several days. Additionally, affordable accommodation is scarce in Amsterdam. Although the University of Amsterdam can assist in finding accommodation but cannot give any guarantees regarding housing, early applicants do have a slightly bigger chance in finding a room through the UvA than late applicants.

    Please note that applications received after the deadline will not be considered for admission.

    Deadline with a UvA Scholarship

    Please note that if you want to apply for a UvA Scholarship, other deadlines for application to the Master's programme apply.


    Starting in September EU/EEA students

    30 April 23.59 CEST

      Non-EU/EEA students

    31 January 23.59 CEST

  • 2. Check entry requirements

    Entry requirements

    Admission to the Master's Programme Information Studies: Track Data Science is possible for students with the following qualifications:

    An academic Bachelor's degree, and an affinity for data and technology.
    Students from various disciplines are eligible, such as: Artificial Intelligence, Business Studies, Communication Studies, Computer Science, Information Science, Information Studies, Media Studies or Psychology

    Academic Skills (6EC)
    Knowledge on the following topics at university level is required (adequacy will be determined by the Admissions board):

    • Literature research
    • Academic writing
    • The ability to make abstractions from different contexts based on analytical thinking
    • Research skills, scientific reasoning
    • Reflection: critical assessment on general accepted theories
    • Ability to framing: the use of different interpretation schemes (frames) to reason about reality
    • Statistics (research methodology)

    Programming skills (12 EC)
    Good programming skills in any language, but preferably Python. Good understanding of the basics of computing, algorithms, and data structures.

    • Students must be able to:
      • Collect and read in datasets in various formats and write scripts to do basic data pre-processing
      • Take an algorithm of moderate complexity described in pseudo-code and programme it in one or more programming languages
      • Write scripts for applying basic machine learning, statistics, and visualisation on the basis of a library with tools

    Statistics (6 EC)

    Good understanding of the following topics:

    • Random variables, basic distributions such as the normal and binomial distributions, expectations, mean and variance;
    •   Multiple regression, correlation, and hypothesis testing.

    Students must be able to:

    • Calculate a confidence interval for the expectation on the basis of outcomes of an experiment  do multiple regression in an appropriate tool and interpret the outcomes such as R^2
    • Do calculations with the distribution function of for example binomial random variable

    Data and information Modelling (12 EC)

    • Knowledge and data: Entity – Relationship Diagrams, Ontologies, Knowledge Representation fundamentals, Semantic Web technologies (RDF, OWL)
    • Databases and data structures: SQL, Relational Model, Relational Database use.
    • Empirical research

    Please note that we require formal academic European Credits (EC), or its equivalent, from a higher education institution. Online courses, work experience and other forms of experience will not be accepted.

    Additional requirements

    In addition to the admission requirements referred to above the student has to comply with the following additional requirements:

    You have an overall grade point average (GPA) equivalent to at least:

    • 6.5 (according to the Dutch grading system)
    • 3.0 (American system)
    • 2.1 (a second class upper/division one degree in the British system)
    • C (ECTS-system)

    The GPA is the average of the Bachelor's course grades weighed by course/study load.

    Limited programme capacity and ranking criteria

    A maximum of 150 students are admitted to the entire Master's programme Information Studies (Data Science and Information Systems track) each academic year.

    Candidates will be selected in the following way. First, candidates will have to meet the requirements and additional requirements as stated above. Subsequently all the candidates eligible for admission to the programme will be ranked by the ranking criteria. Each ranking criterion will be classified/assessed according to five categories: excellent, very good, good, sufficient, insufficient.

    Selection will be based on the following ranking criteria:

    • GPA score (minimum of 6.5)
    • Academic skills
    • Programming skills and/or Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) experience
    • Data and Information modelling skills
    • Relevant interdisciplinary Data Science project(s) completed 
    • Relevant work experience or community outreach and engagement experience

    The ranking criteria apply to all candidates who have met the requirements and additional requirements as stated above.

    The Admissions Board will judge requests for admission on criteria mentioned above and select students on an individual basis and in comparison to the other applicants. These criteria will not be applied mechanically, but manually with careful consideration and judgement. For example, the value of the GPA may depend on a students' curriculum, publications may be more or less high ranked, etc.

    The top 150 candidates on the ranking list will be admitted to the Master's programme. The Admissions Board will grant admission to the selected candidates. Students who aren’t ranked in the top 150 will be placed on a waiting list in case a student who is placed decides to not take the spot.

    English language proficiency

    Your ability to write and speak in English must be at an academic level. To prove your level of English please provide us with your scores of one of the following tests:

    • the TOEFL Test,
    • the test of the International English Language Testing Service (Academic IELTS)
    • a Cambridge Examination Score  (C1 Advanced (CAE) and C2 Proficiency (CPE).

    Other tests will not be accepted.

    Students with a Bachelor’s degree from a Dutch research university and students who successfully finished a full academic programme at an esteemed institute in one of the following countries are exempt: UK, Ireland, USA, Canada (with the exception of Quebec), Australia and New Zealand.

    For more details about the English language test and required scores, please visit:

    Deadlines for English test results

    For both non-EU and EU/EEA+Swiss students: the application deadline for the Master programme of your choice will also be the deadline for submitting an English proficiency test result.

    In addition: your application will be dealt with when we receive a sufficient English proficiency test result (see English language requirements under the (‘Application and Admission’ page).  Our International Admissions Team will keep your application on hold until we have received this test result.

    Note that if you want to apply for a scholarship from the UvA other deadlines (may) apply.

    Required knowledge and skills

    Students that enter our Master's programme need to possess the knowledge and skills based on formal courses on the topics that are listed below.

    Programming skills (12 EC)
    Good programming skills in any language, preferably Python.
    Good understanding of the basics of computing, algorithms, and data structures.

    Students must be able to:

    • Collect and read in datasets in various formats and write scripts to do basic data pre-processing
    • Take an algorithm of moderate complexity described in pseudo-code and programme it in one or more programming languages
    • Write scripts for applying basic machine learning, statistics, and visualisation on the basis of a library with tools

    Statistics (6 EC)
    Good understanding of the following topics:

    • Random variables, basic distributions such as the normal and binomial distributions, expectations, mean and variance;
    • Multiple regression, correlation, and hypothesis testing.

    Students must be able to:

    • Calculate a confidence interval for the expectation on the basis of outcomes of an experiment  do multiple regression in an appropriate tool and interpret the outcomes such as R^2
    • Do calculations with the distribution function of for example binomial random variable

    Data and Information Modelling (12 EC)

    • Knowledge and data: Entity – Relationship Diagrams, Ontologies, Knowledge Representation fundamentals, Semantic Web technologies (RDF, OWL)
    • Databases and data structures: SQL, Relational Model, Relational Database use.

    Assignment for all applicants 

    All applicants for the Data Science track are advised to complete an assignment to check their programming experience and statistical background before they apply. The assignment is a good representation of the level of knowledge expected at the start of the Master's programme. More information on the assignment can be found here:

  • 3. Submit enrolment application in Studielink
  • 4. Activate your UvAnetID

    Within 48 hours after submitting your enrolment application in Studielink, you will receive an email with your UvAnetID and an email with instructions for the next step of the application process. Follow the instructions in the email to activate your UvAnetID as you will need it to complete your UvA application.

  • 5. Pay your non-refundable application fee

    If you apply for a master’s programme organized by the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam, you first need to pay your application fee in SIS. You can pay your non-refundable €100 application fee* by credit card (Master or Visacard), PayPal, Bancontact or iDEAL.

    Only after paying the fee, you can  start your application in DataNose. It is not possible to start your application without first paying the non-refundable application fee.

    Note that it can take up to 24 hours for your fee payment to be registered in SIS and you are able to submit your application in Datanose. Make sure to pay your application fee in time and at least 72 hours before the application deadline of your programme.

    You don't have to pay the application fee:

    • If you have or will obtain a bachelor’s degree from a Dutch research university or university of applied sciences (HBO).
    • If you have already applied and have paid the application fee for another master’s programme at the UvA for the academic year 2025-2026.
    • If you are an exchange student.
    • If your tuition fees for the academic year 2025-2026 will be paid by the Foundation for Refugee Students (UAF). If so, your application fee will be refunded; 

    *The application fee is non-refundable. You are not entitled to a refund even if you do not submit your application form, or if you submit an application form after the deadline (which will not be taken into consideration) or if you submit an incomplete application.

    Please direct all your questions about the payment of the application fee to the Central Student Service Desk.

  • 6. Submit your UvA application form

    Only after activating your UvAnetID, you can submit your UvA online application via DataNose.

    Please make sure to upload the required documents in PDF format. Applicants who (will) hold more than one academic degree must merge copies of all academic transcripts into one PDF.

    In DataNose we expect you to upload the following documents:

    1. A motivation letter in English (max. 500 words)
    2. Your Curriculum Vitae in English
    3. A copy of your high school grade list and diploma
    4. A copy of your Bachelor’s transcript in Dutch, English, German or French and in the original language, including GPA and an explanation of your university’s grading system.
    5. A copy of your Bachelor’s diploma/certificate in Dutch, English, German or French and in the original language. If you have not finished your current academic programme yet, a list of courses of your final year
    6. A description of your Bachelor thesis/project in English (if applicable)
    7. Two email addresses of referees. Please make sure they are notified and available for contact via email. We need to receive the reference letters within two weeks after submitting your application. In addition, no reference letters will be accepted/dealt with after the application deadline.
    8. Proof of English proficiency 

    Please make sure you have uploaded all the required documents, as you can't add any documents after submitting. Only your English scores can be sent in later. 

    If you have any questions about the required documents as an international degree student, please contact the International Team.

  • 7. Wait for admission decision

    As soon as you have submitted the (sufficiently) complete online application in DataNose, you will receive a confirmation of receipt.  We strive to process each application within 6 weeks. 
    For this selective programme, you will first be informed about your eligibility and whether you can participate in the selection procedure which will take place in the second half of May.

    Important: students from outside the EU/EEA (including Switzerland) who are not selected for a place in the programme as a result of the selection procedure in May, cannot be placed on the waiting list because visa and residence permits can no longer be arranged for after this date.
    You can track the status of your admission using the checklist in DataNose.

After (conditional) admission

  • 8. Accept or decline offer

    If you are conditionally admitted to the Master’s programme you will receive an admissions letter by means of email. In the letter you will find a link to DataNose to accept or decline your place in the programme. This has to be done within two weeks. If you have questions about this, please contact the International Team.

  • 9. Submit certified documents

    If you are (conditionally) admitted then do check your DataNose application. The link in your checklist gives you all required information about the verification of your previous education

  • 10. Register for immigration, housing, start appointment

    You will need to arrange a variety of practical matters before starting your studies. This includes your visa or residence permit, insurance and housing.

    After your (conditional) admission you will receive information by means of email on how to complete your registration and how to apply for a visa or residence permit, if needed. 

  • 11. Request student ID card

    A student ID card is a personal card which serves as proof of identity for examinations or borrowing library books. You will receive instructions on how to request your student ID card.