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Would you like to hear from one of our Master's students what it's really like to study at the UvA? Are you curious about the study programmes, student facilities, lecturers and research projects? You can either ask your questions by email, or make an appointment for a 'Meet the Master' day.

Meet the Master Day (on campus)

On a Meet the Master day, you will accompany a Master's student in their daily study routine: either a lecture, practical training, or their individual research project. You can also take a tour of the student facilities at the Science Park, and/or lunch together in the cafetaria.

We will try to connect you to a compatible student. Note that it can take some time to get in contact and to make an appointment.

Speak with a MSc student on Unibuddy

Not able to visit the Science Park campus? For some programmes, it is possible to ask your questions directly to our current students via the Unibuddy pop-up on the homepage of the programme.

Find all Unibuddy students here

If there is no Unibuddy student available for the programme, you can also send your questions by email.