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The deadlines differ, depending on whether you are a resident of the Netherlands/EEA or if you are a student from outside of The Netherlands/EEA.

Application deadlines

The application deadlines for students that are not from the EEA and thus require a visa to study in The Netherlands are:

  • 1st of March (01-03) for starting the premaster in September, and 
  • 1st of August (01-08) for starting the premaster in February

The application deadlines for Dutch students, and students from the EEA that do not require visa to study in The Netherlands are

  • 15th of May (15-05) for starting the premaster in September, and 
  • 1st of October  (01-10) for starting the premaster in February

Applications can be submitted via Studielink. Search for the program name 'Medical Informatics – Premaster program' and follow the instructions for submitting your documents.