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The Research Master's programme aims to train you to become an expert in your specific subfield of the Brain and Cognitive Sciences, with a clear understanding and appreciation of the contribution made by the other subfields. All students complete a core curriculum next to their chosen direction within the Research Master's programme in Brain and Cognitive Sciences. The core curriculum of this programme integrates various perspectives from within the discipline and includes an annual summer school, which focusses on innovative topics in an intensively interdisciplinary setting.

Disciplinary quality and interdisciplinary insights 

The goal is to provide a programme that is equal in disciplinary quality to monodisciplinary programmes but in addition trains you to be aware of and understand the separate contributions and research methods of the large number of disciplines that contribute to the field of cognition and thus not suffer the inadequacies of monodisciplines. This enables you to reflect on, interpret and answer complex questions arising in science nowadays and that arise in our modern society. Interdisciplinary thinking can not be learned from a book, but is a skill which develops from the learning process of combining insights of more than one discipline that can lead to new insights.

ABC Summer School

Every year, the Research Master Brain and Cognitive Sciences organises a Summer School around a topic in the research field of Brain and Cognition. The Summerschool takes place at the end of the first year and is open to students of the Master, as well as national and international students of similar Master's programmes. Every day features a lecture and active workgroups. The Summer School is presented by international experts, including a keynote speaker and concludes with a symposium about the topic of the Summer School.


A Master of Science in Brain and Cognitive Sciences is awarded upon successful completion of all the courses in the curriculum, a literature thesis, and two written reports based on independent research projects. This translates into 120 ECTS credits.

Student Community

There is a strong student community, with Cognito as the student association for students from the Brain and Cognitive Sciences programme. The association is very active and was founded by students in 2006. Cognito offers study-related and non-study-related events to create social cohesion and to support students in their scientific development.