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Graduates of the Research Master's in Philosophy will be familiar with one or more of the sub-areas of philosophy and will have the skills to formulate, analyse and discuss philosophical problems. They will also be able to formulate and present targeted research questions within a broader research plan. The Research Master's programme Philosophy prepares students for postgraduate studies and/or independent research.


Marjolein Lanzing:

'Studying Philosophy is a daunting task. You do not know what you might end up with. You may discover that the problem is not the real problem, that trying to answer your question leads to a myriad of other questions spreading out like an oil stain, that you probably understand only a tiny fraction of the matter, that your perception is rigged, biased and muddled. And these are just a few of the incredibly valuable insights I obtained from the research master's in Philosophy. Fortunately, the master also handed me the necessary philosophical tools. It taught me how to excavate the roots of an issue, how to distinguish between questions, how to tackle a difficult text and how to critically assess my personal values and convictions. This has enabled me to learn how to conduct independent research, to formulate a coherent line of argumentation and to take my first steps into becoming a critical academic.

Studying Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam is intellectually challenging and inspiring. You will find yourself in a buzzing environment full of interesting lectures, workshops with renowned philosophers, enthusiastic, supportive, committed and approachable teachers and researchers as well as open-minded and critical fellow students. In my experience, a research master's degree in Philosophy from the University of Amsterdam opens doors to a wide variety of fields, because of the analytical, argumentative and critical skills that it represents. Completing the research master's in Philosophy has enabled me to start a PhD for which I need these skills every day – and for which I am very grateful since they allow me to continue working on some of the questions that have haunted me since the Research Master's.'

Dr Marjolein Lanzing is alumna of the Philosophy Research Master's at the UvA, and currently working as Assistant Professor Philosophy of Technology at the Faculty of Humanities (UvA).

Daniël de Zeeuw:

'What is unique about the research master philosophy is that it combines an emphasis on the canon of classical texts with free-form tutorials about themes proposed by students in close collaboration with teachers. By doing so it allows for specialization without losing sight of other philosophical discourses.'

Dr Daniel de Zeeuw is alumnus of the Philosophy Research Master's at the UvA, and currently working assistant professor in Digital Media Culture at the department of Media Studies (UvA).

Do you have ambitions to start your own business? The Humanities Venture Lab is the place for the humanities entrepreneur starting out. As a student or alumnus, you can find training, coaching, inspiration sessions, and a workplace here. Watch the video’s below to see what the Humanities Venture Lab can do for you.

What can the Humanities Venture Lab offer you?
What can the Humanities Venture Lab offer you?
2 alumni about the added value of the Humanities Venture Lab
2 alumni about the added value of the Humanities Venture Lab

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