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Our main strengths are entrepreneurship, innovation management, creative & cultural industries, and advanced computational methods, together with our ties to the (entrepreneurial and cultural) capital of Amsterdam. We combine teaching and research excellence with deep engagement in the entrepreneurial ecosystem and beyond.


The Entrepreneurship & Innovation section is home to a group of over 20 researchers, including junior (tenure track) and leading senior researchers as well as PhD candidates.


Members of the Entrepreneurship & Innovation section regularly publish in a variety of leading international journals, which include:

  • Academy of Management Journal
  • Administrative Science Quarterly
  • Management Science
  • Organization Science
  • Strategic Management Journal
  • Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice
  • Journal of Business Venturing
  • Journal of Management Studies
  • Organization Studies
  • Research Policy
  • Journal of International Business Studies
  • International Journal of Research in Marketing

The research of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation section focuses on the following themes and issues:

  • Startups and scaleups
  • Psychology of entrepreneurship
  • Creative and cultural industries
  • Big data and innovation
  • Innovation management
  • Technology management
  • Social networks
  • Crowdfunding and investment in early-stage ventures
  • Design and service innovation
  • Social evaluation and selection processes
  • Categories, identities, and cultural entrepreneurship


Our education and research are based on two interrelated management challenges: creating and growing new ventures, as well as realising and capturing innovations. The relevance of the combination of entrepreneurship and innovation has become clear in topics such as technology, open innovation, creative and cultural industries, crowdfunding, the lean startup movement, scaling up new ventures, and corporate entrepreneurship.

We promote a challenge-based, experiential learning environment to develop entrepreneurial mindsets and innovative leaders for the future.

The Entrepreneurship & Innovation section offers courses and programmes at the undergraduate, graduate, and executive levels:

Our section offers a joint Master's in Entrepreneurship in a collaboration between the University of Amsterdam and VU University Amsterdam:


If you have a question related to the section Entrepreneurship & Innovation, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Prof. dr. M. (Martin) Obschonka

Chair Entrepreneurship & Innovation section