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This fall, the Amsterdam Centre for Middle Eastern Studies (ACMES), in co-operation with the Amsterdam School for Regional, Transnational and European Studies (ARTES), organises an online lecture series on Health & Care in the Middle East.

All lectures take place online via Zoom. 


8 October 2020, 5 PM
Violence and Health Care during the Syrian conflict
Panel discussion moderated by Uğur Üngör

22 October 2020, 5 PM
Tara Asgarilaleh
(In)fertility and assisted conception: Emerging Masculinities, Iranian Style
Discussant: Annelies Moors

19 November 2020, 5 PM
Vivienne Matthies-Boon
Breaking Intersubjectivity: Counter-Revolutionary Trauma in Egypt
Discussant: Tasniem Anwar

If you want to attend one or more lectures, please register by sending an email to acmes@uva.nl.