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Tuition fee

The tuition fee is 895 Euro. For UvA alumni and members of Dutch research schools, the tuition fee is 447. UvA Master's and Research Master's students do not pay a fee.

Accepted applicants will register with the Summer School through an online registration system and pay the fee upon registration. The fee must be paid by 30 June 2023. 

Cancellation policy

Participants may cancel their participation in a Summer programme for a full refund, minus € 95 administration fee if the Summer School staff is notified in writing (e-mail is also valid) at least 30 days before the start of the programme. No refunds will be given after this date. In the event that a programme must be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, participants who have paid tuition will be reimbursed in full.

Check your eligibility for a scholarschip

You might be eligible for a scholarship available to UvA Summer School students.