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On Monday 16 January, an informative meeting for local residents was held in the BAM site office. Over the course of the evening, visitors received extensive information on upcoming construction work at Roeterseiland.

On Monday 16 January, an informative meeting for local residents was held in the BAM site office. Over the course of the evening, visitors received extensive information on upcoming construction work at Roeterseiland.

With four special Q&A tables, the meeting was designed to ensure that all visitors got a personal answer to their questions. In addition to representatives from UvA Real Estate Development, the tables were manned by staff from contractors BAM and RoyalHasKoning. The municipality was also represented at the meeting, where it received specific questions regarding permits and neighbourhood safety.

This site provides up-to-date information on the latest developments. Naturally, all local residents will be informed of the next meeting. If you do have any questions and would like an answer prior to this meeting, please feel free to contact Marianne de Wal, Domain Manager of the Roeterseiland complex

Questions about construction noise

Many visitors had questions relating to construction noise and the inevitable resulting annoyance. We provided all the information we could on existing and future measures to limit the level of annoyance experienced by local residents.

The meeting also focused extensively on Davy Demmers and Sanne Doelman’s presentation on the Roeterseiland complex buildings. An architectonic PowerPoint presentation provided visitors with a first-hand look at the future complex. Artists’ impressions were used to explain the layout of the building interiors. An abridged version of this presentation will be available on this website in the near future.

We did our best to answer all visitor questions during the meeting. In several cases, however, we were unable to provide an answer. These issues have since been investigated. Click the link below for a complete overview of all questions and answers.

In addition to this Q&A list, an overview of all reports over the previous period has also been prepared. This document also outlines the actions taken in response by the UvA and/or BAM. .

Contact and more information

This site provides up-to-date information on the latest developments. Naturally, all local residents will be informed of the next meeting. If you do have any questions and would like an answer prior to this meeting, please feel free to contact Marianne de Wal, Domain Manager of the Roeterseiland complex using the contact information in the link below.