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UvA Alumni Chapter St. Petersburg was launched in 2014. 


Goal of UvA Alumni Circle St. Petersburg is to strengthen the bond between UvA alumni and the UvA and among UvA alumni in St. Petersburg.  UvA Alumni Chapter St. Petersburg organises twice per year events where UvA alumni can meet and network with each other.


Valeria Krzhizhanovskaya is president of UvA Alumni Chapter St. Petersburg. She is supported by four UvA Alumni Ambassadors: Elvira Belyalova, Olga Chepurova, Olga Resetnaka and Olga Yusim.

The UvA Alumni Ambassadors help UvA staff members at education fairs in St. Petersburg and support the president of the UvA Alumni Chapter St. Petersburg in organising alumni events. 

Impression activities

For an impression of our events please see our photo gallery

UvA Alumni St. Petersburg on social media