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The Criminal Law department provides education and conducts research in the area of national and international criminal law and military law. The criminal law education and research of the section emphasise metropolitan and cross-border criminal problems and their interdisciplinary and international approach.

Read more about research in the area of military law

The staff of the section have specific expertise in the field of, among other things:

  • subversive crime (in particular human trafficking and smuggling, corruption, money laundering, drug-related crime and terrorism)
  • the relationship between criminal law, human rights and the rule of law
  • criminal law practice and professional ethics
  • international criminal law and criminal procedure
  • sanctions law (including sentencing and penitentiary law)
  • artificial intelligence and criminal law
  • criminal law of evidence and establishing the truth
  • institutional aspects of international criminal law
  • cross-border criminal law
  • military (criminal) law, cyber operations and law of war