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After you submit your application, it will be carefully evaluated by the Admissions Office. They determine whether you meet all entry requirements.

Receive results within 4-6 weeks

We assess applications on a rolling basis. The earlier you apply throughout the year, the sooner you will know the outcome. You will most likely receive your (conditional) results within 4-6 weeks after you've submitted a fully completed application form in SIS - My Applications.* The result of the application will be sent by email from SIS - My Applications. 

* In peak moments (January till June) evaluating your application may take a few weeks longer.

Incomplete applications 

When your file is not in order or missing any document(s), the Admissions Office will send you an email explaining which document(s) are missing or which tasks you still have to complete. You have 10 working days to arrange everything, or your application will be closed.