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Curating Cultural Narratives

Museums arrange their collections to reflect the story they wish to tell. This concept is based on scientific research into exhibits, but is also linked to ideology, and political, religious and economic power. Museum Studies investigates the dynamics and raisons d'être of heritage museums, such as those focusing on society, ethnology, ecology, science and technology, history, archaeology and art.

Here's why you want to study Museum Studies at the UvA

Intensive, hands-on internship


You will gain first-hand experience during an intensive six-month, fulltime internship at a museum.

Strong career prospects

The programme prepares you for a position in the wider field of the museum world by equipping you with the necessary skills and professional training.

Amsterdam based, world oriented

You benefit from the rich museum landscape in Amsterdam and the Netherlands, but focus on global issues in terms of topics and issues.

Critical perspectives

You will learn how museums globally are addressing urgent topics such as climate change and the legacies of colonialism.

Is Museum Studies right for you?

  1. You are deeply interested how museums can contribute to important societal debates. 
  2. You like to combine theoretical reflection with practical experience.
  3. You want to gain profound insight into museum practices, for example how exhibitions are shaped.
  4. You are eager to gain work experience by doing a six-month internship.

Degree certificate

Museum Studies is an accredited degree programme of Heritage Studies. After successful completion of this programme, you will receive a legally accredited Master’s degree in Heritage Studies and the title Master of Arts (MA).

Facts & Figures
Degree programme
MA Heritage Studies
90 ECTS ECTS, 18 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
CROHO code
University Quarter