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Are you looking for information on how to find housing for your stay in Amsterdam? Do you have questions about practical matters? Find out everything you need to know on this page.

Student website

For information on a wide range of practical matters – from the academic calendar to IT facilities and student counsellors – that will be useful to you if you are doing an exchange at the UvA, consult our student website. You can choose 'Exchange programme Humanities' in the dropdown menu for tailored information where applicable.


It is difficult to find accommodation in Amsterdam. The University of Amsterdam collaborates with several housing corporations which have student flats for international students in various parts of Amsterdam. 

Exchange students will receive guidance when looking for student housing. More information can be found in the link below. Please note, that there is no guarantee that you will receive housing through the University of Amsterdam. 

Learning agreement and other documents

Home universities often require specific documents to be signed by the International Office of the Faculty of Humanities. The most common are the Learning Agreement and Confirmation of Arrival. The Learning Agreement is signed after course registration. Documents are signed digitally and upon (student) request.

Exchange Ambassador Programme

Would you like to connect with your fellow local and international students and play an important role representing your university? Join our award-winning UvA Exchange Ambassador Programme! 

Joining our UvA Erasmus Exchange Ambassador Programme as an Erasmus Student Ambassador only requires 20 hours during one semester and can be used on your CV and added to your LinkedIn. Accepted exchange students will receive an invitation email, so don't miss it!