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If you successfully complete the programme, you will be in high demand. It is likely you'll already find a job before you graduate. And in that job, you will extensively use the skills you acquired during the MSc programme.

Choose to work in the field of bioinformatics and systems biology like 60% of our graduates or find a suitable job in closely related areas, such as biotechnology, data science, healthcare or finance. 

More than half of our students (60%) continue in scientific research as a Ph.D. student. Thanks to technological advances, such as next-generation sequencing and the development of personalised medicine, your career prospects will only improve as you develop.

Alumnus views

Read where these former students of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology ended up working after finishing the Master's programme:

Merel Nessen
Copyright: LinkedIn
After my Master's I decided to do my PhD at the UvA on a joined project of the groups Mass Spectrometry of Biomacromolecules, at the Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, and Synthetic Organic Chemistry (HIMS). Merel Nessen - alumnus Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Read about the career of alumnus Merel Nessen
After my Master's, I knew I wanted to do an interdisciplinary PhD. The description for the position I got hired for stated "looking for a student who has both biomedical and bioinformatics knowledge and wants to work in an interdisciplinary lab". I immediately knew I'd found my place. Kate Jo-Ann Feller - alumnus Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Read about the career of alumnus Kate Jo-Ann Feller