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Graduates of the Master's programme in Freshwater & Marine Biology will have had excellent research training that allows them to pursue their PhD at the UvA or at other universities, academic institutes and international research organisations.

Alternatively, graduates are qualified for careers in, for example,

  • management and research within water boards
  • consultancy firms
  • science-oriented non-profit organisations
  • governmental agencies
  • education

Alumni views

Copyright: UvA FNWI
This track is especially good if you have a knack for scuba diving and want to combine that with gaining a lot of experience in underwater research. It is also very appealing that you get to spend a lot of time abroad, if you wish to do so. Laura Misker, alumna Freshwater & Marine Biology Read the full story of Laura
I really focused on the science during the Master's programme, but what I learned later on was the importance of programme management and a more integral approach, as well as the social aspect, such as networking. That's important for students to keep in mind because it's something that employers are looking for nowadays. Mascha Dedert, alumna Freshwater & Marine Biology Read the full story of Mascha