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The Master's in Classics and Ancient Civilizations is a one-year programme in which you will explore the theoretical frameworks and methodologies currently used, with a disciplinary as well as an interdisciplinary approach; in the track Classics, you will gain a thorough knowledge of the Greek and Latin languages and literatures, in the track Ancient Studies you will specialise in themes in the field of Ancient Studies, such as urban history, politics and society, as well as religions.

Two specialisations: Classics and Ancient Civilizations

Our two specialisations give you a world-class, interdisciplinary education. If you choose the track Classics, you will receive excellent training in Greek and Latin language and literature from Homer to Late Antiquity, including linguistics, intertextuality, narratology, and reception. If you choose the track Ancient Studies, you will gain an in-depth understanding of the social, cultural and religious worlds of Ancient Greece, Rome and the Near East. A specialisation in Akkadian can also be realised.

Students as partners in research

The one-year Classics and Ancient Civilizations Master's programme allows you to explore the theoretical frameworks and methodologies currently used in Classics and Ancient Studies. You will gain a thorough disciplinary knowledge of the Greek and Latin language and literature or of themes in the field of Ancient Studies, such as religion, gender and urban history. In addition, there are two joint courses for students of both specialisations focusing on interdisciplinary approaches to the Ancient world. Students are considered to be partners in research, and teaching is strongly related to the research expertise of the staff.

Programme structure

Specialisation: Classics

  • The Language of Literature: Greek and Roman Comedy
    Period 1
  • Story vs. History: Alexander the Great
    Period 1
  • Echoing Texts and Themes: The Pastoral Tradition
    Period 2
  • Restricted-choice elective
    Period 2

    You can choose between 'Masterlanguage: Creative Imitation in Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Latin Literature' and 'The Ancient World & Modern Theory: Memory and Forgetting'.

  • Term paper plus Conference OR Greek Epigraphy (partly in Athens)
    Period 3
  • Restricted-choice elective
    Period 4

    You can choose from 'Masterlanguage: Latin Epigraphy', Research Project 1: Epistolography and Identity Construction' and 'Research Project 1: Linking Themistocles: Sources and Narratives'.

  • Restricted-choice elective
    Period 5

    You can choose from 'Ancient Judaism: Ethnicity, Politics, Religion', 'Master Seminar Akkadian', 'Masterlanguage: Canonicity: Highlights from Greek Literature', 'Research Project 2: The Value of Gold and Silver in Early Antiquity' and 'Research Project 2: Polyphonic Poems. Receptions of Classical Antiquity in Modern Poetry'.

  • Master's Thesis Ancient Studies
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6
Compulsory course
UvA Course Catalogue: Specialisation Classics

Specialisation: Ancient Studies

  • Politics and Society: Rulership in the Ancient Mediterranean
    Period 1
  • Story vs. History: Alexander the Great
    Period 1
  • Religion and Society: Lived Religion in Greece and the Near East
    Period 2
  • Restricted-choice elective
    Period 2

    You can choose between 'Masterlanguage: Creative Imitation in Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Latin Literature' and 'The Ancient World & Modern Theory: Memory and Forgetting'.

  • Term paper plus Conference OR Greek Epigraphy
    Period 3
  • Restricted-choice elective
    Period 4

    You can choose from 'Masterlanguage: Latin Epigraphy', 'Research Project 1: Epistolography and Identity Construction' and 'Research Project 1: Linking Themistocles: Sources and Narratives'.

  • Restricted-choice elective
    Period 5

    You can choose from 'Research Project 2: Polyphonic Poems. Receptions of Classical Antiquity in Modern Poetry', 'Ancient Judaism: Ethnicity, Politics, Religion', 'Master Seminar Akkadian', 'Masterlanguage: Canonicity: Highlights from Greek Literature' and 'Research Project 2:The Value of Gold and Silver in Early Antiquity'.

  • Master's Thesis Ancient Studies
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6
Compulsory course
UvA Course Catalogue: Specialisation Ancient Studies
  • Interdisciplinary courses (obligatory)
    • Block 1: Story vs. History: Borders and Barbarians
    • Block 2: The Ancient World & Modern Theory: Female Perspectives
      or for students in de Classics specialisation:
    • Block 2: Creative Imitation in Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Latin Literature
  • Core courses (specialisation Classics)

    The objectives of the two core modules are to deepen the understanding of modern literary and linguistic theory in Classics and to apply them in close reading to quintessential Greek and Latin texts

    • Block 1: The Language of Literature in Odyssey XI and Aeneid VI
    • Block 2: Echoing Texts and Themes: Medea, Intertextual Heroine
  • Core courses (specialisation Ancient Studies)

    The objectives of the two core modules are to deepen the understanding of concepts and methods in ancient history and ancient studies with literary, epigraphic, and iconographical sources.

    • Block 1: Politics and Society: Rome and the creation of Empire
    • Block 2: Religion and Society: From Constantine to Muhammad
  • Research projects and electives

    In blocks 4 and 5 students participate in one or two Research projects:

    • Block 4: Everyday writing: Working with the papyri of the Allard Pierson Museum
    • Block 4: Rare, miraculous, and strange plants in the Greco-Roman World
    • Block 5: Body Prints: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Identity and Presence in Ancient Material Sources
    • Block 5: The Symposion: Reality and phantasy in the representation of Archaic Greek feasting in poetry and on pottery

    Research projects are connected to current research of the staff; students decide themselves on the envisaged results, which may be e.g. a small exposition or a joint publication for a larger audience.

    Electives include the courses of the national Master Language programme, such as Greek epigraphy in Athens (block 3) and Latin epigraphy in Rome (block 4), and a course on Ancient Judaism: Ethnicity, Politics, Religion. The programme also offers the possibility to specialise in Akkadian. For Ancient Studies it is possible to take electives from the Archaeology Programme in ACASA.

  • Thesis

    Writing a Master’s thesis is an important part of the programme, enabling you to conduct your own research under the supervision of one of the staff members. Thanks to the cooperation between the two universities a wide array of topics is open for supervision. A Master’s thesis seminar helps you to prepare the assignment.

Copyright: UvA
The Amsterdam Centre for Ancient Studies and Archaeology (ACASA) as a unique centre of expertise for the ancient world, is the perfect place to find answers to questions like why classical antiquity is important to us today. Dr Mark Heerink

Transferring to a Research Master's

Students who show exceptional promise during a one year Master’s programme are encouraged to switch to the two year Research Master’s programmes. If you decide to switch programmes and are admitted before the start of the second semester, you will be able to transfer all credits earned in the first semester to your Research Master’s programme. In case you join later, the Examinations Board determines which courses qualify for the Research Master’s programme.

Within ACASA, there are two Research Master’s programmes, which would be suitable for a continuation of your studies:

Classics and Ancient Civilizations in part-time mode

The programme is also offered in part-time study mode at the UvA, in which case it takes two years. You can obtain a maximum of 30 ECTS per year (12-18 ECTS per semester). As a part-time student you will follow the programme together with full-time students. You will prepare your study plan for the part-time programme in consultation with this Master’s programme coordinator.