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The programme prepares you for a wide range of careers in the field of European policy and governance.

The job market

As a graduate of the programme, you are able to place contemporary issues in a broader context and to communicate a sustained analysis of developments in national and European policy. You will be trained to convey ideas across national, disciplinary, and policy boundaries, as:

  • Policy advisers for European and international affairs in national administrations, international organizations or EU institutions.
  • European and international policy commentators and researchers: in media, NGOs, policy-advice, think-tanks, or culture.
  • Advisors and policy entrepreneurs in international companies.

Recent programme alumni hold positions at:

  • European Commission and European Parliament
  • United Nations
  • Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • EACEA (Agency of the European Commission)
  • Diplomatic Services in different parts of the world
  • Municipality
  • Foundation Max van der Stoel
  • Clingendael institute

Academic career

Many of our graduates also go on to pursue academic careers in the Netherlands and abroad. A Master's in European Policy can lead to a Research Master's and eventually a PhD in a range of fields including history, international relations, anthropology, sociology, geopolitics and political science.

Do you have ambitions to start your own business? The Humanities Venture Lab is the place for the humanities entrepreneur starting out. As a student or alumnus, you can find training, coaching, inspiration sessions, and a workplace here. Watch the video’s below to see what the Humanities Venture Lab can do for you.

What can the Humanities Venture Lab offer you?
What can the Humanities Venture Lab offer you?
2 alumni about the added value of the Humanities Venture Lab
2 alumni about the added value of the Humanities Venture Lab

Your diploma is not a farewell

After graduating, you don't have to say goodbye to the University of Amsterdam! We are happy to help you develop your career. You can join the young alumni programme, which will assist you in mapping out your career. And as an alumnus, you can also still use the Student Careers Centre.