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The Master's in Film Studies prepares you for a broad range of career opportunities within the field of Media Studies

The job market

The Master's in Film Studies prepares students for a career in cultural institutions, education, arts administration, festival programming and media industries. Graduates can also opt to continue their studies in the Professional Master's programme Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image, the Research Master's programme Media Studies or the Research Master's programme Cultural Analysis, all of which are offered by the University of Amsterdam.

An academic career

Graduates can also go on to a PhD programme at the UvA, another Dutch university or a university abroad. When pursuing an academic career, it is advisable to discuss the possibility of joining a two-year Research Master's programme. If you are passionate about research and show exceptional promise in the first semester of your Master’s programme, you may apply to switch into the Research Master’s programme:

Your diploma is not a farewell

After graduating, you don't have to say goodbye to the University of Amsterdam! We are happy to help you develop your career. You can join the young alumni programme, which will assist you in mapping out your career. And as an alumnus, you can also still use the Student Careers Centre.  

Do you have ambitions to start your own business? The Humanities Venture Lab is the place for the humanities entrepreneur starting out. As a student or alumnus, you can find training, coaching, inspiration sessions, and a workplace here. Watch the video’s below to see what the Humanities Venture Lab can do for you.

What can the Humanities Venture Lab offer you?
What can the Humanities Venture Lab offer you?
2 alumni about the added value of the Humanities Venture Lab
2 alumni about the added value of the Humanities Venture Lab