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Please find our alumni stories below. Indicated titles and employments are at the time of writing.

Jesse Verbunt Msc (B Chemistry)
Graduated 2018
Forensic operational specialist at the Forensics Department of the National Police (Oost-Nederland)

I'm working on crime scenes, coordinating cases and crime scenes and advising in policies. I can use my knowledge and network from the master’s for solving cases and innovations in our field. Just a dream job!


Lot Cleays MSc (BSc Pharmacy)
Graduated 2023

Forensic advisor to the court of Rotterdam 

Before moving to Amsterdam, I completed a bachelor's in pharmacy followed by a master's in drug development. During my master's program, I had the incredible opportunity to travel to Switzerland and conduct research at a forensic institute. This experience was transformative for me; it unveiled a new world, igniting a passion that would define my career trajectory. The forensic field fused my love for science with my intrigue for investigations and the 'unknown'.  


Rosanne de Roo MSc (BSc Psychobiology)
Graduated 2019
PhD candidate and Forensic Advisor for the Court of Appeal of Arnhem-Leeuwarden

Before Forensic Science, I obtained a Master's degree in Psychology (specialisation in clinical neuropsychology). Why two masters? Both are obviously very interesting (I mean, neuroscience and CSI, awesome right!?), and I thought, what have I got to lose? 

Stijn van Lierop alumnus

Stijn van Lierop MSc (Bsc AI)
Graduated 2023 
Forensic data scientist at the NFI

After doing a bachelor’s in artificial intelligence (AI), I wanted to broaden my perspective and use my AI knowledge in a practical and societally relevant way. When I heard about the master Forensic Science, this seemed like the perfect place to do this! I was very interested in all classical forensic techniques, but also how AI could be used to develop new methods.


Marissa Koopman MSc (BSc Liberal Arts and Sciences, major Biochemical Sciences)
Graduated 2018
Graduate assistant and PhD Candidate at l’Ecole des sciences criminelles of the University of Lausanne

After completing my PhD, I hope to continue to grow into the field and help governments and international organisations locate clandestine graves via remote sensing.


Nick Laan MSc, (BSc Physics and Astronomy)
Graduated 2011
PhD Candidate: Impact of Blood Droplets at University of Amsterdam

Before starting the Forensic Science programme, I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in physics. When I saw that there was a Master's in Forensic Science, I just knew I wanted to do that. It is an appealing field of work and not so abstract. For me, the Master’s programme became really challenging when I started the research project.

Katrin Niedermaier MSc (BSc Biology)
Graduated 2019
Forensic Scientist in the Crime Scene Unit

After graduating, I was lucky to find a job with the State Federal Police Office in Berlin, where I am currently employed as a Forensic Scientist in the Crime Scene Unit. My job, and that of my team, is to manage crime scenes in cases of capital and serious offenses. We search for trace evidence, visualise it and subsequently secure it for further analysis by specialised departments. 

Felix Bittner (BSc Biotechnology)
Graduated 2018

DNA Research and Validation Analyst at International Commission on Missing Persons

During the Master's, I thoroughly enjoyed the DNA lectures of Ate Kloosterman. To have such direct and personal access to his wealth of knowledge and experience was very enriching. This is, of course, one of the strongest points of the MFS programme: students get direct access to many experts.

Frederike Oetker MSc (BSc Science Communication and Bionics)
Graduated 2020
PhD Candidate working on detecting patterns and modelling criminal networks

Since 2021, I am a PhD candidate at the Informatics Institute at the UvA, working on detecting patterns and modelling criminal networks in the cocaine market in the Netherlands, in collaboration with the police. It is my dream job, as I always wanted to do a PhD and remain in a research environment, and I hope I can take on more projects like this, as well as doing more teaching at the UvA. Read more...

Bence Dallos MSc (BCs Chemistry) 
Graduated 2023
Trainee Patent Attorney at the Dutch office of a British patent and trademark law firm

Before beginning the Master’s Forensic Science programme in 2021, I completed a Bachelor in Chemistry with Management. My main motivation for pursuing the Master’s Forensic Science programme was that I wanted to leverage my chemistry background in a widely interdisciplinary setting with the goal of making a lasting impact on society.

Irene van Damme MSc (BSc Biomedical Sciences)
Graduated 2020
PhD Candidate in the Analytical Chemistry group of the Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences

I’m working on two main research lines: chemical profiling of explosive precursors and studying the transfer and persistence of explosive materials. The work is conducted in close collaboration with the IBED, NFI, TNO, FOI, and FBI. Our research will lead to new insights that support both source-level and activity-level evidence linking suspects to preparing homemade explosives.

Sophie (BSc Applied Mathematics)
Research coordinator at one of the largest Dutch banks

Currently I work as research coordinator on a team that investigates (the suspicion of) high impact and complex financial crimes. The team consists of colleagues with diverse specialities and backgrounds. Having that interdisciplinary approach helps me as a coordinator to put these various skills to maximum use.