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Meet a few of the staff members of the Master's Law & Finance at the Amsterdam Law School.

Programme Director

Prof. dr. A.M. (Alessio M.) Pacces

Faculty of Law

Drs. R.A.C. (Richard) Evers

Faculty of Economics and Business

Sectie Finance

Mr. J.S. (Jennifer) de Lange-Collins LLM

Faculty of Law

Dep. Private Law

Dr. J.E. (Jeroen) Ligterink

Faculty of Economics and Business

Sectie Finance

Prof. dr. F. (Florencio) Lopez de Silanes Molina

Faculty of Economics and Business

Sectie Finance

Dr. E.D. (Edoardo David) Martino LLM

Faculty of Law

Prof. dr. G. (Giuseppe) Dari Mattiacci

Faculty of Law

Dr H. (Hossein) Nabilou

Faculty of Law

N.M.T. (Thu) Nguyen MPhil

Faculty of Economics and Business

Sectie Finance

Prof. dr. E.C. (Enrico) Perotti

Faculty of Economics and Business

Sectie Finance

Prof. R. (René) Smits

Faculty of Law

Dr S. (Spyridon) Terovitis

Faculty of Economics and Business

Sectie Finance

X. (Xinyi) Wang

Faculty of Economics and Business

Sectie Finance

Prof. dr. R.J. (Rolef) de Weijs

Faculty of Law

Dep. Private Law