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Graduates of this Master's programme are well-equipped to pursue successful careers in academia, industry or public service. Mathematicians work in industry, banking, technology, consultancy, service organisations and many other segments of the labour market. Their analytical and problem-solving skills give them a crucial advantage in a many work situations, even those where mathematical knowledge may not seem immediately relevant. Potential careers include:

  • Academic career as mathematical reseacher (PhD, PostDoc, lecturship) 
  • Reseachers in the public (CBS, TNO, etc) or private sector (Philips, ASML)
  • Quantitative or risk analyst or consultant in banking and finance 
  • Teacher at secondary school or in higher education

Alumnus views

Read where this former student of Mathematics ended up working after finishing the Master's programme:

Don't be afraid that the options are limited. You're only limited by what you can think of. Alumnus Ruben du Burck Read the story of Ruben