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Here's why you want to study Theoretical Physics in Amsterdam

Shape your own curriculum

There are many electives in the programme, as well as specialised theory courses.

Large MSc research project

You’ll conduct a research project of one year, embedded in a local research group’s ongoing project.

Internationally renowned experts

Your lectures are renowned experts, who conduct innovative research in theoretical physics.

Theoretical Physics will suit you, if you...

  1. Want to understand at a fundamental level why matter is what it is, and how this affects the world around us.
  2. Enjoy exploring and developing mathematical models.
  3. Have a high ability for abstraction.
  4. Are willing to dig deep to find solutions to physics problems.

Joint degree programme with VU Amsterdam

Theoretical Physics is a track in the Master's programme Physics and Astronomy, a joint degree programme of the University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Courses are taught at locations of both universities. UvA and VU jointly issue a degree certificate in Physics and Astronomy to graduates. As a Physics and Astronomy student in Amsterdam you benefit from expertise, networks and research projects at both universities and affiliated research institutes.

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Facts & Figures
Degree programme
MSc Physics and Astronomy
Regular study programme
120 ECTS, 24 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
CROHO code
UvA Science Park and VU Campus