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Comparative Politics

Would you like to better understand the rapidly changing character of politics? Our Comparative Politics programme provides you with insight into political processes, and political institutions and actors.

European Politics and External Relations

Would you like to have a thorough understanding of Europe’s politics and power in an increasingly diverse, interdependent, and multi-polar world? European Politics and External Relations might be right for you.

Gender and Sexuality

The interdisciplinary Master's track in Gender and Sexuality will allow you to further explore issues of gender and sexuality within the discipline of Political Science or Sociology.

International Relations

Would you like a better understanding of the changing character of global politics? International Relations gives you insights into fundamental questions throughout the world.

Political Economy

Study Political Economy and learn ways of ‘political economy thinking’ and how to apply them in debates taking place in private business, ministries and international organisations.

Political Theory

The Political Theory track provides students with the conceptual tool kits to analyse the complex normative and methodological issues of contemporary political life.

Public Policy and Governance

In the Master’s in Public Policy and Governance you will learn to critically analyse public policies in often controversial political settings. 

Facts & Figures
Degree programme
MSc Political Science
Regular study programme
60 ECTS, 12 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
CROHO code
Roeterseiland campus