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Want to know whether this really is the right programme for you? The information and activities on this page can help you find out.
Missed our information session?

Did you miss our information session during the UvA Master's Week? Or would you like to review the presentation at your own pace?

Cultural Psychology: an introduction
Cultural Psychology: an introduction

Bertjan Doosje, coordinator of the programme, tells you more about what cultural psychology is and why we need it. He will talk about the study programme, the structure and how to apply.

Cultural Psychology
Cultural Psychology: career prospects

Allard Feddes, internship coordinator, tells you about the career prospects when you specialize in cultural psychology. As a cultural psychologist you have a cultural psychological perspective on the mind, the world and how individuals interact with the world.

Keep me informed 

In autumn and spring you can attend live information sessions. Do you want us to keep you informed on news and upcoming events?  

Explore your campus

Want to see where you will be studying? Explore the campus in our virtual map, or plan a visit and experience it yourself using the interactive app.