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Our curriculum addresses the complexity of urban challenges. It will teach you the techniques of planning policymaking, scientific planning research and reflective practice. It will allow you to develop your own specialised profile of an urban planning researcher and practitioner.
  • First semester

    The courses in the first semester will allow you to:

    • Understand contemporary planning approaches from an historical perspective (Planning: a Theory of Praxis, 6 ECTS)
    • Identify pathways to address the socio-ecological effects of urbanisation (Climate Proof Development of Cities and Strategic Planning, 6 ECTS)
    • Provide the creative and experimental environment where to rethink collaboratively the change of urban society beyond mainstream prototypes (Masterstudio Future Cities, 6 ECTS)
  • Second semester

    The courses in the second semester will allow you to:

    • Actively combine a range of empirical research methods to study urban phenomena Research Methodologies I: Qualitative and Quantitative research and Research Methodologies II: Spatial Analyses, both 6 ECTS)
    • Build your own unique research profile as an urban planner (Master thesis Urban and Regional Planning, 24 ECTS)

  • Thesis

    Students complete the Master's programme Urban and Regional Planning with a Master's thesis in which they combine the knowledge about urban studies acquired through the programme with their own interests and research objects. Based on rigorous empirical research and concepts, the thesis writing will teach you how to answer socially relevant questions and to do so in an independent way.

    We offer different research formats for theses, all supported by personalized advise from our scholars. Next to science driven research approaches you will have the option to perform an 'extra-curricular internship' during your thesis. You can join a field trip abroad to do international empirical research. You can also join our ‘planning in practice’ thesis path, which allows you to cooperate with our partners from practice in addressing concrete urban challenges.

  • Planning: a Theory of Praxis
    Period 1

    Explore the historical context of urban planning theories, linking them to societal changes during the 19th to 21st centuries. You will critically examine urbanization's impact on Western cities due to industrialization, globalization, and de-industrialization, emphasizing the necessity of understanding historical, geographical, and cultural contexts in planning practices. Lectures discuss the relationship between societal conditions and evolving urban theories, using Western city examples to illustrate this connection.

  • Research Methodologies I: Qualitative and Quantitative research
    Period 4

    Develop your skills in data collection and analysis using either quantitative or qualitative methods. This course offers three tracks: Qualitative Methods, Quantitative Methodologies Basic and Quantitative Methodologies Advanced.

  • Research Methodologies II: Spatial Analyses
    Period 4

    This course explores Geographic Information Systems (GIS), aiding you in utilising GIS tools for research in areas like urban planning, risk analysis, and environmental justice. It emphasises practical skills to apply GIS in research and fosters critical thinking for interpreting and questioning spatial data and maps created by others.

  • Climate Proof Development of Cities and Strategic Planning
    Period 1

    This course centers on the critical issue of Climate Change's impact on cities worldwide. You will engage in a group project focused on creating a climate-resilient plan for a neighborhood in Amsterdam, employing learned literature and class insights to reflect on the process.

  • Contemporary approaches in property-led urban planning
    Period 2

    Explore how neoliberal ideas shape urban planning and development, focusing on market-driven approaches and property-led growth. You will learn about the role of various stakeholders and entrepreneurial governance in urban spaces. The course includes international perspectives and encourages collaboration through workshops and excursions, inspiring students to find creative solutions to urban challenges.

  • Restricted-choice electives: Thematic electives
    Period 2
    Period 3

    During the restricted choice elective you get the opportunity to choose one of the programme's thematic electives (see online course catalogue).

  • Master Thesis Urban and Regional Planning
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6

    The Master Thesis marks the final stage of the Urban and Regional Planning Master Programme, allowing students to apply gained knowledge and skills. Working within themed groups, students create individual theses, initially focusing on literature review and proposal development. Throughout, you will engage in group and individual meetings to report progress.

Compulsory course