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The Research Master Urban Studies offers several pre-Master possibilities to academic students to make up for (slight) credit deficiencies.

Research methodology module

Promising applicants who are marginally deficient in social science research methodology (so who have completed 14-16 ECTS credits out of the required 20 ECTS credits) and can remedy this deficiency with a short intensive course may be eligible for the Comprehensive Introduction to Research Methodology and Design offered in the summer prior to the Master's programme (July/August). The admissions committee decides whether a student is eligible to take this summer course to qualify for entry to the Master’s programme.

Insufficient research methodology training includes:

  • Overall, an insufficient number of research methodology credits that cannot be compensated with a MOOC (see below).
  • If the applicant does not have enough research methodology credits, and does not have sufficient and relevant research experience through internships and employment experience.

Incoming Master's students who are taking this summer course to prepare for their Master's programme at the UvA Graduate School of Social Sciences will not receive European credits (ECTS). Other students are eligible to gain 6 ECTS for this course. 

MOOCs and reading assignments

Promising students who do not fully (but nearly) meet the requirements or who are in need of brushing up on their knowledge in the field of social sciences and research methodology, may be asked by the admisions committee to complete a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) or a reading assignment prior to the Master's programme. Reading assignments are offered for free and do not require extra tuition fees.

Application to pre-Master's programme

Please register for the Master’s programme in Studielink and apply through the link in MyInfo, also for the Master’s programme: the Admissions Committee will assess your application for the Master's programme and decide if a pre-Master's programme or course is needed and if it will sufficiently prepare you for entry to the Master's programme.


If you have questions regarding admission and application, please contact the Admissions Office at