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On Thursday, 28 October, the Platform for the Ethics and Politics of Technology organises a PEPTalk on Political microtargeting and manipulation, featuring Eva Groen-Reijman. The session will be moderated by Marjolein Lanzing.
Event details of PEPTalk #8: Political microtargeting and manipulation
28 October 2021

Political microtargeting is often taken to be manipulative, and so a threat to democracy. But is that true? And if so, does this only concern the judgments of individual citizens, or does its data-gathering and influence on political communication constitute a broader effect we should also consider manipulative? In this talk, we discuss a philosophical analysis of the manipulative character of political microtargeting, and connect it with other fields. How do these philosophical arguments relate to people’s judgments of microtargeting? And what does this mean, if anything, for its regulation?

The speakers

Eva Groen-Reijman currently works as a postdoc on democratic theory and political microtargeting in the NWO funded interdisciplinary project Safeguarding Democratic Values In Digital Political Practices. She received her PhD (cum laude) for her thesis Deliberative Political Campaigns at the University of Amsterdam.

Marjolein Lanzing is Assistant Professor Philosophy of Technology at the University of Amsterdam. She finished her PhD-research 'The Transparent Self': A Normative Investigation of Changing Selves and Relationships in the Age of the Quantified Self at the 4TU Center for Ethics and Technology (University of Technology Eindhoven).


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