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Bridging the gap – Synergies between art history and conservation" aims to bring forth new research in conservation and conservation science by highlighting the benefits of multidisciplinary research.
Event details of Bridging the Gap: Synergies between art history and conservation
Start date
23 November 2023
End date
24 November 2023
Photo: The National Museum / Børre Høstland
Photo: The National Museum / Børre Høstland

The conference is divided into three sessions: “Conservation narratives and practices”, “Material practices, reconstructions and archival research” and “Material changes".

The conference is organized with the museum’s collaborators: the University of Amsterdam, the University of Oslo, and the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands.

It will be possible to register for the conference from 16.00 to 19.45 on Wednesday 22 November, with the entrance to the museum’s library at Dronning Mauds gate 2. After registration, you will be able to enjoy the exhibits at the National Museum until closing time at 20.00.

There will be a reception after the sessions on Thursday 23 November at the museum with refreshments and tapas.

When the sessions conclude on Friday 24 November, participants have the option to join an exclusive, guided tour with a curator and conservator from the National Museum. The tour groups will be made up of 20 participants each, with registration upon arrival for the conference being first come, first served.