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Former tracks Geoecosystem Dynamics and Future Planet Ecosystem Science have been fused into a new track. The Earth System Science (ESS) track studies the interactions between the earth surface, environments, ecosystems and humans. The track Earth System Science has started in September 2023 with no less than 40 students.

Students will learn to develop a systemic view on earth processes across an array of spatial and temporal scales and how those affect ecosystems, using state of the art technology in remote sensing, field survey and laboratory techniques.

This master uniquely integrates ecology with Earth Sciences and combines various disciplines for a solution-oriented approach to real-world challenges. Students can choose courses from both the Earth System Science and the Environmental Management tracks, to shape their individual programme and specialization.

This new track, coordinated by Dr Kenneth Rijsdijk, is especially for students who want to deepen their understanding on the processes that determine the functioning of the Earth System and the role and impact of humans and climate change on this system. For students who want to study the landscape and climate dynamics at spatial scales, ranging from molecules to the Earth System as a whole, based on fieldwork, laboratory work and modelling studies, using state-of-the-art laboratory equipment to analyse elements, microbic organism, contaminants and microfossils in sediments, soil, and water to gain insights into how environments change over time.