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Spaanse taal en cultuur

Prof. dr. S. (Shelley) Godsland

Hoogleraar Spaanse en Latijns-Amerikaanse letterkunde

Drs. A. (Anna) Escofet Vilá

Faculty of Humanities

Seconde Language Acquisition

Dr. R. (Rebeca) Fernández Rodríguez

Faculty of Humanities


Drs. M.M.H. (Margriet) Muris

Faculty of Humanities

Seconde Language Acquisition

Dr. I. (Irene) Villaescusa Illán

Faculty of Humanities


Latijns-Amerika Studies

Prof. dr. B.B. (Barbara) Hogenboom

Faculty of Humanities


Dr F. (Fabio) de Castro

Faculty of Humanities


Dr. ir. C.J. (Christien) Klaufus

Faculty of Humanities


Prof. dr. C.G. (Kees) Koonings

Faculty of Humanities

Dr. J.H.J. (Julienne) Weegels

Faculty of Humanities