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Please read the information on this page carefully before submitting your application.
  1. Only a fully and correctly filled out application will be processed.
  2. The tuition fee for the Executive Programme in Management Studies is €20,950 for the master's programme when starting in February 2025. The tuiton fee for a pre-Master's programme  is €4,400 or less. Prospective students may be asked to make a downpayment. A prolongation fee may be charged.
  3. By submitting your registration you commit to comply with all University of Amsterdam (UvA) rules and regulations with special attention for the fraud and plagiarism rules and group work always being a joint effort. By submitting your registration you commit to the 'Honour Code' of the programme.
  4. Once you have received a letter of acceptance for the programme, your registration is definitive.
  5. Any requests for exemptions for one or more courses must be done during the application procedure. These requests will be processed before you will start your studies.
  6. Tuition fees must be paid when you have been admitted to the programme. If it subsequently comes to light that you were admitted after providing incorrect or incomplete information, your admission to the programme can be retroactively cancelled.
  7.  This registration is in force for the full term of the programme until you graduate or cancel your studies.
  8. Cancellation must be made in writing. Upon receipt of your cancellation request in writing, the secretariat will send you a return receipt confirming your request has been received.
  9. If your written cancellation request is received up to one month before the start of the semester in which you will be studying (either September or February), you will be charged an administrative fee of  €1,000. If your written cancellation request is received less than one month before the semester in which you will be studying, then you will be charged the full amount of the programme’s tuition fee. For cancellation taking place after classes start, you will likewise be charged the full amount of the pre-Master or Master programme’s tuition fee.
  10. The student is personally ultimately responsible for ensuring full payment of the tuition fee, regardless of any agreements made with your employer or third parties.
  11. In the event that the above mentioned conditions are insufficient for reaching consensus on any issue, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business is, after consult with the Exam Committee, authorised to issue a binding decision or take appropriate measures.
  12. In the event of insufficient registrations, the Institute for Executive Programmes reserves the right to not start a programme at a given intake date. Participants who have already registered will receive written notice of this no later than one month prior to the starting date. In the event of cancellation, tuition fees that have already been paid will be fully refunded as soon as possible.
  13. The privacy statement of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) applies.