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Discussion with Linda Martin Alcoff (Hunter College, City University New York) and Catriona Mackenzie (Macquarie University) | June 9th, 1 pm – 3 pm | BG 2 zaal 008 (Turfdraagsterpad 15-17, 1012 XT Amsterdam) 
Event details of Sexual Subjectivity
9 June 2023
13:00 -15:00

You are cordially invited to a discussion on Sexual Subjectivity by Linda Martín Alcoff (chapter 4 of her book Rape and Resistance) Conversation between Linda Martin Alcoff (Hunter College, City University New York, Spinoza Professor at the University of Amsterdam) and Catriona Mackenzie (Macquarie University, visiting professor at Utrecht University)  

Moderator: Beate Roessler (University of Amsterdam)  

Everybody is welcome to join the discussion, but please register with Lukas Seidler (