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How can firms create and execute an effective strategy? In the Strategy track, you will unravel the theoretical origins of strategic corporate decisions. The Strategy track is 1 of 3 tracks for which you can opt in our 18-month part-time Executive Programme in Management Studies, designed especially for ambitious professionals who want to broaden their knowledge of Business Administration as well as improve their strategic insight and decision skills.

What will you learn?

Which markets should we enter? How can we differentiate our firm from competitors? How should we design organisational structures in order to be successful? Unravel the theoretic origins of strategic corporate decisions and learn to find the right strategy for internationally operating organisations.

In the Strategy track, you will cover organisation design issues at different levels of analysis. Issues that you will explore range from motivating people to organising complex, multi-business corporations. You will reflect on relevant theories and apply them to challenging business cases.

Track specific courses

  • Theories of Strategy
    Period 1
    Period 2
  • Strategy and Organisation Design
    Period 2
    Period 5
  • The Adaptive Organisation
    Period 2
    Period 5
  • Theories of Strategy

    Why do some firms outperform others? Learn to understand strategic management and the economic foundations of strategy theories. During the course, we will discuss various theories.

    Upon completion of this course students have:

    • the knowledge of the theories of (competitive) strategy that are central to the current debates in the strategic management field;
    • the ability to critically assess these theories;
    • the ability to use these theories to analyse business problems.
  • The Adaptive Organisation

    Develop an in-depth understanding of how organisations can maintain their connection with the environment, thus ensuring their long-term survival and sustainable competitive advantage.

    At the end of the course, students will:

    • understand the major behavioral and evolutionary theories of organisational adaptation;
    • understand the contributions of organisational learning, ambidexterity, and corporate entrepreneurship to the phenomenon of organisational adaptation;
    • identify and explain internal and external barriers to adaptation;
    • identify and critically assess potential solutions to the challenge of adaptation;
    • critically reflect on current business research related to organisational adaptation.
  • Strategy and Organisation Design

    Explore strategic organisational issues at different levels, from cooperative behaviours of individual human actors to inter-firm relationships. What choices can firms make in strategies and organisational design, while at the same time encouraging coordination and cooperation among individuals and sub-units?

    Upon completion of this course students have:

    • the ability to explain the main theories in the field of strategy as they relate to organisational design (e.g., agency theory, transaction cost economics, team production theory, resource based theory);
    • the ability to critically reflect on these theories, based on a good understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, and to compare and contrast them with alternative theories;
    • the ability to apply the theories discussed in the course to strategic issues faced by firms when organising in practice (e.g., how to structure and govern activities, how to manage and compensate employees and managers, whether and how to outsource activities, whether and how to diversify).

Am I eligible?

Fill out the CV scan and we will inform you about your eligibility. We will respond within 5 business days.

Explore our 2 other tracks

Strategy is 1 of 3 tracks in our part-time Executive Programme in Management Studies. If you are more interested in the management area of Digital Business or Leadership & Management, read all information on these 2 tracks.