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Thinking about taking the Executive Programme in Management Studies? And do you want to contact a colleague of yours that already took the MSc programme? Please contact our Sales and Recruitment manager Ed van der Lelij.

Our students and alumni work for example at:

123inkt.nl, a.s.r. Nederland, AACSB, AB Inbev, ABN AMRO, Accenture, Accor, Achmea, Aegon, Ahold, Akzo Nobel, Alliander, AMLIN, Amsterdam UMC, APG, Apple, Applied Medical, Arke Fly, AS Watson, ASML, Atradius, Augeo, Avéro, Ballast Nedam, BAM, BDO, Belastingdienst, BinckBank, BNG bank, Booking.com, Boval, Brunel, C.H. Robinson, Cap Gemini, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Cofra / Boskalis, Colliers International, Cordares, Danone, DAS Legal Counsel, De Pieter Raat Stichting, Dela, Deloitte, Delta Lloyd, Deutsche Post, DHV, Douane, Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst, Eiffel, Endesa, Enexis, Ernst & Young, FD Mediagroep, FGH Bank, FNV, Fokker, GE Global Business Services, GEA Consultancy, Gemeente Amsterdam, Gemeente Doetinchem, Gemeente Lingewaal, Gemeente Zoeterwoude, GGD Amsterdam, Hanzehogeschool, HAS hogeschool, Haven Amsterdam, Heijmans, Heineken, Hema, Hitachi, Hogeschool Inholland, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Hogeschool Utrecht, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen, Holland Casino, Hotel Pulitzer Amsterdam, Icemedia, IceMobile, ING, INTEL International, IOI Loders Croklaan, IVENT, Janssen Biologics, KAS Bank, KLM, Koenen en Co, KPMG, LeasePlan Corporation, Liandon, Logitech, Lufthansa, Media Markt Saturn Holding, Medisch Centrum Haaglanden, Microsoft, Ministerie van Defensie, Ministerie van Economische zaken, Landbouw en Infrastructuur, Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie, Murata, Nationale Nederlanden, NHL Hogeschool, Nitta Corporation, Nobel Logistic Solutions, Nutricia, OLVG Amsterdam, Ordina, OXXIO, Philips, Pon, PostNL, PRA Health Services, Provincie Noord Brabant, PVH Europe, PWC, Rabobank, RAI, Randstad, RDW, REAAL, ROC Amsterdam, Roche, Russel Reynolds Associates, Saxion Business School, Schiphol, Seafood Parlevliet, Simmons Simmons, Simpel Media, SNS Bank, Startpeople, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Tata Steel Tele2, Terberg Leasing, T-Mobile, Tommy Hilfiger, Toyota, Triodos Bank, TUI, Unilever, UWV, Van Ameyde Services, Van Hall Larenstein, Van Lanschot, Vattenfall, Waterschap Rivierenland, Yacht, YER