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Dr. M. (Machiel) Keestra

Bestuur en Bestuursstaf
Fotograaf: Suzanne Blanchard

  • Spui 21
  • Postbus 19268
    1000 GG Amsterdam
  • Profiel

    Current position

    Machiel Keestra is assistant professor (UD) with tenure at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Amsterdam. He teaches in the Beta-Gamma (Natural & Social Sciences) Bachelor program, Interdisciplinary Honours program, Brain and Cognitive Sciences Master program,  and other interdisciplinary courses. His research interests are a.o. history of philosophy and hermeneutics, philosophy of action, the philosophy of cognitive neuroscience and philosophy of interdisciplinarity. His PhD thesis "Sculpting the Space of Actions. Explaining Human Action by Integrating Intentions and Mechanisms" covers the overlap between philosophy of science, cognitive neuroscience, hermeneutics and ethics and presents a novel framework for the interdisciplinary explanation and understanding of human action (http://dare.uva.nl/record/463110 ).

    Keestra is member of the research group Neuroaesthetics & Neurocultures of the UvA (and co-organizer of its series of 'Worlding the Brain' conferences) and member of the research group Logic and Language at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation.
    He is elected board member of the US based Association for Interdisciplinary (formerly: Integrative) Studies since Fall 2010 and has been AIS's President from 2014 to 2016. He was co-chair of the first AIS conference outside of North America in October 2019 at the University of Amsterdam: http://www.aisconference2019.nl/ . In addition, Keestra is member of the editorial advisory board of the peer reviewed journal Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies. He is also founding board member of the Global Inter- and Transdisciplinary Alliance, an network of organizations and individuals established in 2021 that aims to strengthen and promote the global capacity and the calibre of collaborative modes of boundary-crossing research and practice.

    April 2019, Keestra was appointed Diversity Officer of the department of Science (FNWI), in addition to his other position. As such he offers sollicited and unsollicited policy advize to the department's community, shares expertise, brings together engaged department members in the Diversity Sounding Board, aiming to broaden and strengthen the diversity and inclusiveness of the department. As such he can be reached at Diversity-Science@uva.nl .

    Most of Keestra's publications are available here.


    Much of my research has been on human action, from a variety of perspectives. Having written on language and human action in a.o. Aristotle and Hegel, and on tragic action, my research focus is now on the philosophy of neuroscience - in particular the neuroscience of action. What is the relevance of the results of neuroscience for the philosophy of action, and what could a philosophical critique of neuroscience be? Looking at a specific type, like moral action, what can we learn from the exchange between philosophy and neuroscience? Does the empirical evidence provided by neuroscience offer justification for preferring a particular philosophical analysis of action over another? This holds not just for the specifics of action, but also for the understanding of action, where an integration of neuroscience and hermeneutics should further mutual constraints. Clearly, an answer to such questions requires knowledge of the fields of neuroscience and philosophy of action as well as a philosophy of science perspective, while the results of this interdisciplinary endeavor are of importance to ethics. 

    More recent work reflects on interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity and offers a philosophical perspective on what interdisciplinary integration actually consists of and how individuals and teams can accomplish this. Articulating -often implicit- ontological, epistemological and normative assumptions is an important step involved in the ID/TD research process. It is a precondition for the boundary crossing that is required in that process - and in important ways related to my other interest, in diversity and inclusion,


    Machiel Keestra teaches and coordinates the following interdisciplinary (mostly team-taught) courses:

    Short bio

    Machiel Keestra studied philosophy in Amsterdam and Heidelberg (Germany). He also obtained a propaedeutic degree in Psychology in Amsterdam. Formerly a staff member of the International School of Philosophy in Leusden (NL) and the General Studies dept. of the University of Amsterdam he taught and organised many courses and seminars on philosophical, scientific and cultural subjects. He is tenured assistant professor at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of the UvA since 2003. Fall 2014 he was visiting scholar at the University of Ottawa's 'Mind, Brain Imaging and Neuroethics' laboratory and in the fall of 2018 he was visiting fellow at Pittsburgh University's Center for Philosophy of Science. He has published about the history of science, the history of philosophy (mainly Aristotle, Hegel and contemporary philosophy), the philosophy of language, tragedy (modern and ancient) and the tragic, philosophy of action and the philosophy of cognitive neuroscience. More recent work is on philosophy of interdisciplinarity - like in cognitive neuroscience.
    For a Curriculum Vitae see the link below.

  • Presentations

    Academic Presentations

    - 'Offering multiple Philosophy of Science perspectives on the interdisciplinary challenge of integrating disciplinary insights'; digital poster for the First Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation, September 2013

    - 'Simulification of Cognition and Naturalization of Narrative. Paul Ricoeur and the Interaction between Humanities and Cognitive Science', presentation for conference 'Paul Ricoeur and the Future of the Humanities', U of Groningen (NL), June 28, 2013.

    - 'Integration of insights, yet without denial of pluralism'; presentation for a session on Philosophy of Science & Liberal Arts and Sciences education during conference 'Rethinking Liberal Education', Amsterdam University College, June 15, 2013.

    - Workshop on book chapter "Bounded Mirroring: joint action and group membership in political theory and cognitive neuroscience" (Keestra, 2012); Uni. Munich (Germany), March 23, 2013

    - 'Neurophilosophy as both exposition and  critique of cognitive neuroscience'; invited talk for symposium 'Visions for Neurophilosophy', Uni. Munich (Germany), March 22, 2013 (see pdf below)

    - 'Interdisciplinary research: some background, principles, and methods'; invited talk for the European Platform for Life Sciences, Mind Sciences, and the Humanities, Hannover (Germany), Jan. 23, 2013 (pdf)

    - 'Interdisciplinary education: a challenging and motivating experience for both students and teachers'; invited talk at the dept. of Humanities, Waterford Institute for Technology (Ireland), Jan. 9, 2013 (see pdf)

    - Assoc. for Interdisciplinary (formerly Integrative) Studies annual conference, Oakland U, Rochester (MI), Oct. 10-13, 2012:
    1) Presentation at plenary session on 'Interdisciplinarity: Looking Forward & Across Borders';
    2) Opening presentation for panel on 'Integration of Knowledge' (initiated & chaired by MK);
    3) 'Neuropolitics and the complex alignment of neuroscientific and political theory perspectives'.
    - Multidimensional interdisciplinarity and coherence in cognitive neuroscience: challenges for philosophy. Presentation at the Philosophy of/as Interdisciplinarity Network conference, Tübingen (Germany), Sept. 22, 2012 (see pdf)
    - Interdisciplinarity & the Integration of Disciplinary Perspectives on Understanding Human Action. Presentation for the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, May2, 2012 (see pdf )
    - Some positions in the trajectory of the interdisciplinary interpretation of Aristotle's ethical theory. Presentation for the AIS conference, Grand Rapids (MI), October 15, 2011.
    - Understanding Human Action. Integrating Meanings, Mechanisms, Causes, and Contexts. Presentation for a panel on 'Case Studies in Interdisciplinary Research (eds. Repko, Newell, Szostak, 2011) during AIS conference, Grand Rapids (MI), October 14, 2011.
    - Assumptions of de-composability and re-composability in interdisciplinary research: lessons from cognitive neuroscience. Presentation for the Inaugural seminar of the International Network for Interdisciplinarity & Transdisciplinarity,Utrecht University, June 16, 2011
    - Imaging the Mind or Opening Pandora's Box? Introduction to 2 nd day of the conference 'Imaging the mind? Taking stock a decade after the 'decade of the brain', University of A'dam, April 2, 2011
    ' Sculpting a Sustainable 'Space of Actions.' Philosophical and Neuro-Ethical Considerations of the Current Moral Action Overload. ' - paper presentation at the Association for Integrative Studies 2010 Conference, San Diego, October 9, 2010 (see link below).
    'Explanations of action and decision making: fighting complexity, in need of flexibility, yet striving for coherence.' Invited lecture for the Acacia-Lab, Dept. of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, January 14, 2010.
    'Pluralism in science and society - how can academic education or Bildung face these tasks?' Invited lecture for Studium Generale-ZAK, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, November 27, 2009 (see link to pdf below).
    ' Integrating meanings and mechanisms: how cultural influences and neural mechanisms constrain each other.' Paper presentation at Transdisciplinary-Net conference, University of Bern (Switzerland), November 21, 2009 (see ppt below)
    'Mechanisms and meanings in the moral brain:hermeneutical and cognitive neuroscientific contributions tomoral action. Poster presentation at the 'Moral Theory and Empirical Research in Psychology and Neuroscience in the Netherlands' network, Utrecht, November 13, 2009 (see link to pdf below).
    'Mechanistic explanation and the integration of insights from the humanities and cognitive sciences' - paper presentation at the Association for Integrative Studies 2009 Conference, Tuscaloosa (AL), October 8, 2009(see link to ppt and conference report below).
    'From concepts to particles, and back again - combining disciplinary education with interdisciplinarity at the Amsterdam'Natural and Social Sciences bachelor'' - invited lecture for the conference "Collegium - College and the Academic Community in the European and the American tradition", University of Warsaw (PL), May 27, 2009 (see link to ppt. below)
    'Shying away from the mathematization of science. Setting the stage with Plato's idealism and Aristotle's quasi-empiricism of mathematical objects.' - invited lecture for the Intercity Seminar on the Philosophy of Mathematics "From Plato to Predicativity",Utrecht University, September 26, 2008.
    'From Mirror-Neurons to Hermeneutics: In Search for Mutual Clarification' - paper presentation at the Association for Integrative Studies 2007 Conference, Tempe, September 27-30, 2007.
    'Mimesis in Art and Neuroscience: Bootstrapping Humanities and Neurosciences'- paperpresentation at the conference From the Brain to Human Culture, Bucknell University, April 20-22, 2007. (see article in Review of general psychology, 2008)
    'Perspectives on Human Action: from Tragedy to Neuroscience' - paper presentation at the Association for Integrative Studies 2006 Conference, Atlanta (V.S.), October 5-8, 2006 (http://www.ais.oxford.emory.edu/)
    'Some Philosophical Reflections on Neural Correlates of Tragedy' - paper presentation at the Language, Mind and Mind Conference, Paris, July 17-20, 2006 (http://www.lcm2006.net/)
    'Modest but vital: philosophy as compass in thematic interdisciplinary honors classes.'-  session organizer and presenter at the NCHCHonors conference, St. Louis, October 29, 2005. 
    'Neuroscience and Philosophy of Action: can Aristotle's Concept of Action be confirmed or falsified or even eliminated?' - The Third International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities: The Humanities in a 'Knowledge Society'; Cambridge University, August 2-5, 2005
    '"Darwin has forgotten the Mind!" - Nietzsche's Struggles with the Theory of Evolution' - lecture for the Symposium on the Philosophy of Biology, Studium Generale UvA, Amsterdam, June 14, 2004. (Dutch version at http://www.ziedaar.nl/article.php?id=197 )
    Invited Response on 'Reflexive Morality in late-modern society' - conference on Germand Idealism, Leuven University, Jan. 22, 1999.
    'Elektra' und Hegels Unterbewertung der Subjektivität und öffentliche Gerechtigkeit auf der antiken Szene.  Paper presentation at the conference of the Internationale Hegel Gesellschaft, Utrecht, Aug. 26, 1998. (Appeared in the Hegeljahrbuch 1999)
    '"Hit hertwice, if you can!"- Reflections on ActionsofSophocles and Heidegger.' Paper presentation at the International Philosophy Conference on 50 Years Heidegger's 'Brief über den Humanismus,' Amsterdam, April 10, 1997.
    'Quine, Davidsonen Hegel op zoek naarbetekenissen.' (Quine, Davidson and Hegel in search for meanings.) Paper presentation at the Dutch Filosofiedag, Oct. 14, 1995.
    Some remarks on 'Multiculturalism'(Ch.Taylor e.a., 1994). Colloquium Dept. Philosophy, July 6, 1995.
    'Canon, coherence and meaning.' Paper presentation at the conference 'The Practice of Cultural Analysis - A Workshop on Interdisciplinarity.' UvA, Amsterdam, June 27-30, 1995. (see pdf below)
    'Hegel, Davidson und die Flüssigkeit des Begriffs.' Paper presentation at the Radboudconference, Amsterdam, Nov. 25, 1994. (see linktoPDF below)
    'De verlegenheid van de cultuurkritiek - n.a.v. Edward Said's 'Culture and Imperialism.' (Reflections on CulturalCriticism)- Presentation for a salonof the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, november 1994.
    '"Eén heerser moet er zijn!" - Schelling, Hegel en Aristoteles over een Homeruscitaat. ('There should be a Single Leader!' - Schelling, Hegel and Aristotle on a Quote of Homer.) Paper presentation at the Dutch Filosofiedag, Delft, Oct. 1, 1993.

    Non-Academic presentations

    (For regular radio columns, see 'Services and broadcasts'.)
    - Seminar "A critical reading of Wagner's 1849 text 'Die Kunst und die Revolution'" (Art and Revolution). Dutch Wagner Society (Wagnergenootschap), Amsterdam November 22, 2012
    - Introduction to & moderation of Daniel Dennett's lecture "Kinds of things. The manifest image and the scientific image". Paradiso, Amsterdam, November 18, 2012.
    - Panel discussion with Zygmunt Bauman, Hedy d'Ancona after Bauman's keynote speech: "Freedom and security: a case of 'Hass-Liebe'". Castrum Peregrini, Amsterdam, May 3, 2012 (see link )
    - Interdisciplinarity's Future: threatened because it is important? Position statement in panel debate about "The Future of Interdisciplinarity", Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, U Maastricht, April 16, 2012 (instead of notes, see pdf & link)
    - Eenheid en verscheurdheid van individu en gemeenschap in de antieke tragedie en Wagners Ring. (Unity and disunity of individual and community in antique tragedy and Wagner's Ring). Lecture for the Wagner Society of the Netherlands, March 25, 2012.
    - "Nie sollst du mich befragen" - grondeloosheid en vertrouwen in Wagners Lohengrin (Groundlessness and trust in Wagner's Lohengrin). Lecture for the Wagner Society of the Netherlands, March 27, 2011.
    Lecture on 'Wagner ende mythe van waarachtige eenheid - cultuurfilosofische invloeden op zijn werk'. Studium Generale, Universiteit Twente, April 20, 2010.
    Lecture on 'Musicality: is a brain-mechanism capable of creating beauty?' Lecture for Spui 25, Amsterdam, December 4, 2009. (see pdf)
    Lecture on 'Coming to terms with complexity. Neuroscience, free will, society and a Spinozan take on conceptual unity.' Lecture for Castrum Peregrini, Amsterdam, March 19, 2009. (see pdf)
    Lecture on 'Representations in cognition and in art: a dynamical relation.' Lecture for the Arnhem Schoolof Arts ArtEz, November 10, 2008. (see pdf)
    Lecture on 'Fetishism in different forms - on capital, criticism, and art.' Lecture at the opening of the festival 'De kapitalist'in Deventer, Bergkerk, August 8, 2008. (see pdf)
    Lecture on 'Tristan und Isolde's eternal night of love: Wagner's response to the problem ofthe Enlightenment?' Wagner Society of the Netherlands, April 26, 2008.
    Lecture on 'The mystery of mathematics. Cultural history of an exact science.' Studium Generale, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Feb. 12, 2008.
    Lecture on interdisciplinary academic education for the staff of the Faculty of Geo-sciences; Utrecht University, Sept.11, 2007.
    Lecture on 'Philosophical uses of tragedy. Antigone in thehands of a.o. Hegel, Nietzsche and  Heidegger'. Internationale School voor Wijsbegeerte, Leusden, July 23, 2007.
    Lecture on scientific integration and citizenship in academic education for the Directors of Education, Universiteit van Amsterdam, March 27, 2007. (Publication as 'Flying lesson fortheowl of Minerva? - Higher education as  preparation for the labour market and citizenship.', 2007)
    Lecture on 'Arthur Schnitzler and playing with the unconscious'; evening devoted to 'The worldof Arthur Schnitzler', Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam, February 19, 2007.
    Lecture on 'Antigone als een filosofischetractaat?' (Antigone as a philosophical discourse?); for the Nederlands Klassiek Verbond, Utrecht, February 14, 2007.
    Lecture on Philosophy and Neuroscience for Vereniging Onderwijs, Kunst en Wetenschap,Apeldoorn, January 17, 2007
    Opening statement for a debate on the role of the chorus in tragedy in the Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam: 'Meezingen of loszingen? Individu en collectief in een tragische strijd.' (Sing along or sing apart? Individuum and collective in a tragic struggle.') Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam, December 2, 2006.
     Short lecture for the presentation of my (edited)book 'Eencultuurgeschiedenisvan de wiskunde' on: 'Axioma: van reputatie tot zelfevident principe.' (Axioma: from reputation to self-evident principle) Freudenthal Institute, University Utrecht, November 23, 2006.
    Statement at the Spreeksteen (Speaker's corner)on 'De vrijheid van meningsuiting, en de beperkingen daarop' (On the limitations of the freedom of speech), Oosterpark, Amsterdam, November 5, 2006 (see youtube.com for video).
    Two lecturesfor the summer course on 'Neurofilosofie': 'Wie handelt? Neurale correlaten van het handelen en hun filosofische relevantie' en 'Enkele kanttekeningen bij deneuro-esthetica.' (Philosophical reflections on neural correlates of action& neuro-aesthetics). Internationale School voor Wijsbegeerte, Leusden, July 4,2006.
    Opening lecture at the symposium on 'Religie en Wetenschap: Geloof in Wetenschap' (Science and Religion), Radboud University Nijmegen, May 17, 2006.
    Participation in the panel discussion on'A New Social Contract' for the Justice Department, The Hague, Feb. 16, 2006.
    'Werken aan sociale cohesie - een kwestie vaneen normenproject of van een buurtpicknick?' (On social cohesion) - Column for the Think Tank SocialCohesion, Stadsdeel Watergraafsmeer/Oost, Amsterdam, Nov. 7, 2005. (Published in the NRC,Dec. 3, 2005)
    Discussion on 'Intelligent Design and Philosophy of Science' for the Genomics Network for Young Scientist (www.geneyous.nl) at their Science Café, Utrecht, Sept. 22, 2005.
    'Voorstellingen opdrift -enkele opmerkingen over filosofie, cognitie en kunst' - guestlecture for the Rietveld Academy of Art, Amsterdam, March 30,  2005.
    Discussion on Documentary 'Darwin's Nightmare' (Hubert Sauper 2004) with Tijs Goldschmidt. De Balie, Amsterdam, March 11,2005.
    'Impact en Architectuur' - lecture for ArCAm, Amsterdam, March 10, 2005.
    'Wees gegroet,Maria! - van verwondering tot besluit.' - lecture on Film (J. L. Godard) and Philosophy, Amsterdam, Jan. 25, 2005.
    'Filosofie en Tragedie - Beschouwingen over tragische handelingen.' (Philosophy and Tragedy - Reflections on Tragic Actions) - HOVO course at Leiden University, fall 2004.
    'Het belang van vriendschap bij Aristoteles.' (The Importance of Friendshipin Aristotle.) - lecture at the Studium Generale, UniversityofAmsterdam,April14, 2003.
    'Een zelf-verlies dat onomkeerbaaris? N.a.v. de antieke tragedie en Shakespeares Macbeth.' (An Irreversible Self-loss? On antique tragedy and Macbeth) - lecture at the Interational School for Philosophy,Leusden,  Dec. 13, 2003.
    Commentary on the ArCAm Nutshell (History Timeline), De Balie,Amsterdam, Dec. 19, 2002.
    'Filosofie en Tragedie' (Philosophy and Tragedy) - weekend course at the International School for Philosophy, Leusden, Nov. 1-2, 2002
    'Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes. Een onbescheiden ontdekkingsreis door de geschiedenis van hetdenkenenkennen.' (Introductory lecture on Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit) - lecture atthe Interational School for Philosophy, Leusden,  April 27, 2002.

  • Services & Broadcasts

    Services and Memberships

    - Member Strategic Conference Board of International Transdisciplinarity Conference, co-organised by Transdisciplinary-Net and the Leuphana University Lüneburg, Sept. 11-15, 2017
    - Int’l SMART workshop ‘Worlding the Brain: Predictive Processing as a Travelling/Interdisciplinary Concept’, to be held in Spring 2017 - co-organizer
    - Nationaal interdisciplinair onderwijscongres, Febr. 2, 2017 - co-organizer
    - Int’l conference ‘Worlding the Brain: Patterns, Rhythms and Narratives in Neuroscience and the Humanities’, Amsterdam, March 17-19, 2016 - co-organizer
    - Multiple workshops on interdisciplinary research & education grounded in ‘An introduction to interdisciplinary research’, S. Menken & M. Keestra (editors), AUP 2016 for: IIS, UvA; IPN Mexico; INION Russia; PPLE, UvA, St. Mary’s College in Maryland, USA, 2016.
    -  External advisor for developing interdisciplinary bachelor program for ACASA (Amsterdam Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology), Nov. 2015 - 2016
    - Interdisciplinary Curriculum Group – international meeting, Jan. 15, 2016 – co-organizer
    - External review of Naropa University’s Interdisciplinary Studies bachelor program – off-site AIS consultant, 2015-2016
    -  Association for Interdisciplinary Studies: President,  October 2014-2016
    - Neuroaesthetics & Neurocultures UvA research group – member since June 2014
    - Examinations Board Politics, Psychology, Law & Economics bachelor program – member since April 2014.
    - External review of Liberal Studies Program, Seattle University – off-site AIS consultant, Feb.-May 2014
    - UvA Center for the History of Humanities and Sciences – member since inception, January 2014
    - Int’l series of symposia 2015-2017 ‘Fostering and facilitating interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge production: Developing a synthesis of academic approaches to societal needs’, application for VW foundation, as INIT convener w. ca. 60 colleagues from 4 continents, Jan. 2014
    - International Conference ‘Conflict and compassion: Wagner’s operas and their significance for contemporary society’, Amsterdam, November Nov. 28- Dec. 1, 2013 – co-organizer
    - Association for Interdisciplinary Studies: President-elect – since November 2013
    - University of Amsterdam, Committee on Language Policy (taalbeleid) – member since April 2013
    - Amsterdam Faculty of Science, Committee on Excellent Trajectories (excellentietrajecten) – member since February 2013
    - Consultancy & site visit at dept. of Humanities, School of  Applied Arts of the Waterford Institute for Technology, Ireland, January 9, 2013.

    - Association for Interdisciplinary (formerly: Integrative) Studies: Director of Organizational Development since Fall 2012
    - International Network for Interdisciplinarity & Transdisciplinarity: convener of the INIT Steering group since 2011.
    - Inaugural seminar of the International Network for Interdisciplinarity & Transdisciplinarity, Utrecht, June 15-18, 2011 - co-convenor with representatives of AIS, TD-Net, CSID.
    - Conference 'Imaging the mind? Taking stock a decade after the 'decade of the brain', A'dam, April 1-3 2011 - co-convenor with dr. Stephan Schleim (U Groningen)
    - Association for Integrative Studies: elected board member (at large) Fall 2010-2012
    - International Network for Interdisciplinarity & Transdisciplinarity - NYC 2010: co-initiatior.

    - Philosophy of/as Interdisciplinarity Network - member since 2009.

    - Students in Free Enterprise, UvA - Faculty advisor since 2009

    - International advisor to the board of the Association forIntegrative Studies since Dec. 2008.

    - European Society forPhilosophy and Psychology - member since Febr. 2008.

    - Association for Integrative Studies - member since January 2006.

    - Examencommissie Beta Gamma Bachelor - chair since Dec. 2005.

    - Honours-education coordination assembly, University of Amsterdam - chair 2005-2009

    - Interdisc. E-Zine 'Blind!' ( www.ziedaar.nl ) - member of the editorial board since 2004.

    - National Collegiate Honors Council - member since January 2004.

    - K.L. Poll Foundation for Education, Arts and Sciences (NL) -board member, 2003 - 2008.

    - Foundation 'Leve de Bouwput!' -program board member, 2003-2007.

    - Didactical Program at the Liberal Jewish Community -editorial board member 2001/2002.

    - Cimedart Philosophical Essay Contest - jury member in 1998.

    - Association of Dutch General Studies departments - chair 1996-1997.

    - Stoicheia: journal for historical philosophy (in Dutch); editorial board member 1989-1992.

    - Committee Post-Academic Education Philosophy (NL) - secretary, 1989.

    - Amsterdam Society for Historical Philosophy - board member, 1988-1991.

    Media appearances

    Machiel Keestra is irregularly invited by Dutch national radio  to give commentaries or be interviewed on opera or concert broadcasts or for other topics. Since May 2010, he also writes & presents irregularly a scientific  column at AmsterdamFM in the scientific program 'Swammerdam'. Here is a list of his appearances (incomplete):
    - column about ‘Interdisciplinarity and the concern about diversity’, April 16, 2016  
    - column about ‘A marxist view on the academic proletariat’, Oct. 4, 2015
    - column about ‘Motherhood and pregnancy as philosophical topics’, May 6, 2015
    - ‘Also sprach Zarathustra’ by R. Strauss & ‘Schlemihl’ by Mantovani -– Zaterdagmatinee radio broadcast from Concertgebouw, Jan. 31, 2015
    - column about ‘Religion and non-violence: the example of ML King’, Jan. 18, 2015
    - ‘Lohengrin’ - opera of Wagner. Live broadcast on radio 4 from the Muziektheater, Amsterdam, November 29, 2014
    - column about ‘War and emotional & moral confusion on all fronts’, November 23, 2014
    - ‘Falstaff’ – opera of Verdi. Live broadcast on radio 4 from the Muziektheater, Amsterdam, June 28, 2014
    - ‘Prometeo’ – opera of Luigi Nono. Live broadcast on radio 4 from Holland Festival, Amsterdam, June 19, 2014
    - column about Physis versus nomos? On the internalisation of the law, May 25, 2014.
    - column about Absolute music and its relation to noise (Over absolute muziek en ruis), April 13, 2014.
    - column about Religion, science and conflict (Religie, wetenschap en conflict), Jan. 19, 2014.
    - interview about dissertation ‘Sculpting the Space of Actions’ at radio 5 program ‘De Kennis van Nu’, Jan. 16, 2014 (http://www.wetenschap24.nl/programmas/de-kennis-van-nu/Radio-5/2014/Januari/16-01-2014-bekwaam-handelen.html )
    - column about ‘Black Pete and rule crossing behaviors’ (Zwarte Piet en regeloverschrijdend gedrag), Dec. 8, 2013
    - column about 'Breakthroughs in Science Prizes' (Wetenschappelijke doorbraak-prijzen), March 3, 2013
    - column about Self-alienation (Zelfvervreemding); Swammerdam program, Jan. 13, 2013
    - column about Multiple sources of leadership (Leiderschap en de krachtmeting tussen personen en ideeen); Swammerdam program, Dec. 9, 2012
    - interviews for science program Wetenschap?! at Amsterdam t.v. station AT5, October 9 (on marshmallow test & selfcontrol) and October 16 (on imitation and mirror neurons) 2012
    - column about Ideals, cooperation and politics (Het belang van idealen voor samenwerking en politiek); Swammerdam program, May 13, 2012
    - column about Narrative practice, religion and humor (Narratieve oefening in religie en met humor); Swammerdam program, April 1, 2012
    - column about Euthanasia and Ulysses-contracts (Euthanasie en zelfbeschikkingsverklaringen); Swammerdam program, Febr. 12, 2012
    - column about Socially robust (transdisciplinary) knowledge & Politics ; Swammerdam program, Dec. 17, 2011
    - column about the Occupy Wall street movement [Laat de tenten staan!]; Swammerdam program, November 6, 2011
    - 'Im grossen Schweigen' - orchestral songs by Diepenbrock; 'Also sprach Zarathustra' - symphonic poem by Richard Strauss. Zaterdag Matinee, Edo de Waart & Robert Holl, Ned. philh. orkest; live from the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, May 7, 2011.
    - column about 'Authentic life & self-reflection'; Swammerdam program, April 10, 2011
    - interview for NTR Podium t.v.-documentary on Wagner's Parsifal; broadcast at March 20 & 27, 2011
    - column about political preference and the interaction of genes, brains and friends; Swammerdam program, February 20, 2011
    - column about petty excuses and mental time travel, Swammerdam program, October 24, 2010
    - column about the intrinsic value of art and its place in sustainable politics, Swammerdam program, October 3, 2010
    - interview during the scientific Swammerdam-program at AmsterdamFm, May 16, 2010
    - short statement on Martin Luther's translation of the Old testament for Castrum Peregrini, Amsterdam, April 4, 2010
    - 'Salome' - opera of Richard Strauss. November 28, 2009, commentary during live NPS broadcast from the Muziektheater, Amsterdam. (parts asstream at http://player.omroep.nl/?serid=477 )
    - 'Die Walkure' - opera of Richard Wagner. July 28 2009, commentary during live NPS broadcast from Bayreuth festival.
    - 'Der Fliegende Hollaender' - opera of Richard Wagner. April11, 2009 (stream at http://player.omroep.nl/?serid=477 )
    - 'Doctor Atomic' - opera of John Adams. January 17. 2009 (part as stream at http://player.omroep.nl/?aflid=8726652 )
    - Short interview on a 'catalogue of values' ('waardencatalogus') as suggested by the Dutch government - BNR Nieuwsradio, November 18, 2008 (12.45)
    - 'Saint François d'Assise' - opera of Olivier Messiaen. Holland Festival production, live broadcast on radio 4 from the Muziektheater, Amsterdam, June 7, 2008
    - 'Die Meistersinger von Nuernberg' - opera of Richard Wagner. January 12, 2008.
    - Rückertlieder & Symphony V of Gustav Mahler. Radio Filharmonisch Orkest olv. Jaap van Zweden. 'Vrijdagvan Vredenburg', live March 16, 2007.
    - Interview by Theodor Holman on my edited book  'Cultuurgeschiedenis van de Wiskunde'for Desmet Live, February 27, 2007. ( http://www.desmetlive.nl/program.asp?lIntEntityId=384&lIntEntityItemId=1813 )
    - 'Tannhaeuser' - opera of Richard Wagner. February 24, 2007
    - Interview on my edited book  'Cultuurgeschiedenis van de Wiskunde' by Ger Jochems for VPRO Noorderlicht, February 13, 2007. (podcast at http://noorderlicht.vpro.nl/afleveringen/31489849/ )
    - Interview on 'Free will' (re. NRC article of April 14, 2006)  by Henk van Middelaar for RVU Educatieve omroep.May 8, 2006  ( http://www.rvu.nl/rvu.php?i=1&l=0&n=892)
    - 'Elektra' - opera of Richard Strauss. Live at radio 4 from the Muziektheater, Amsterdam, April 22, 2006
    - 'Fidelio' - opera of Ludwig van Beethoven. April 1, 2006.
    - 'Shadows of the Night' (Birtwistle) and 'Parsifal' (Wagner). Zaterdag Matinee, live from the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, Feb. 18, 2006.
    - 'Die Walküre' - opera of Richard Wagner. Live from the Muziektheater, Amsterdam, Oct. 9, 2005.
    - 'Telemaco' - opera of Alessandro Scarlatti. June 11, 2005.
    - 'Also sprach Zarathustra' - symphonic poem by Richard Strauss. Zaterdag Matinee, live from the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, March 5, 2005.
    - 'Prometeo' - opera (1984)of Luigi Nono. Feb. 19, 2005.
    - 'Götterdämmerung' - opera of Richard Wagner. April 24, 2004.
    - 'Salome'- opera of Richard Strauss. March 27, 2004.
    - 'Oedipus Rex' - opera of Igor Stravinsky. Zaterdag Matinee, live from the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, Dec. 6, 2003.
    - 'Les Troyens' - opera of Hector Berlioz. Live from the Muziektheater, Amsterdam, Oct. 11, 2003.
    Guest appearance at 'NPS in de Middag', June 24, 2003.
    - 'Parsifal' - opera of Richard Wagner. April 12, 2003.
    - 'Elektra' - opera of Richard Strauss. Dec. 21, 2002. (link naar fragment)



  • Publications


    'Sculpting the Space of Actions. Explaining Human Action by Integrating Intentions and Mechanisms.' PhD Thesis (defended Jan. 15, 2014). Institute for Language, Logic and Computation dissertation series, Amsterdam 2014. (xx, 438 pp.; incl. 3 figures; PDF available )

    Edited and co-authored books:

    An introduction to interdisciplinary research: theory and practice. S. Menken & M. Keestra (editors), Amsterdam University Press 2016, 128 pp.

    'Een cultuurgeschiedenis van de wiskunde.' M. Keestra (editor) et.al.; Uitgeverij Nieuwezijds (Amsterdam, 2006). 243  pp. (M. Keestra: 'Voorwoord' (v-viii); 'Inleiding.' (1-18); '"Zonder kennis van de wiskunde geen toegang?" Conceptuele kwesties in de geschiedenis van de wiskunde' ('"No Entrance Without Knowledge of Mathematics?" Conceptual Questions in the History of Mathematics;  19-45) )
    'Doorbraken in de natuurkunde.' M. Keestra (editor) et.al.; Uitgeverij Nieuwezijds (Amsterdam, 2001, 2003). 224 pp. (M. Keestra: 'Introduction' - pp. 11-23)
    'Tien westerse filosofen.' M. Keestra (editor) et.al.; Uitgeverij Nieuwezijds (Amsterdam, 2000, 2001). 237 pp. (M. Keestra: 'Introduction' - pp. 11-22; 'Aristoteles' - pp. 47-64)

    Keestra (2014): 'Sculpting the Space of Actions. Explaining Human Action by Integrating Intentions and Mechanisms.'

    Academic publications

    - ‘Analyzing interdisciplinary integration after the neuro-turn: a philosophy of science analysis of the ‘neurofication’ implied in ‘neuro-theology.’ – in preparation.

    - Interdisciplinary Imagination and Actionability: Reflections on the Future of Interdisciplinarity, Inspired by Julie Thompson Klein, in Engaging and Extending the Work of Julie Thompson Klein’ - 2019 Special Volume of Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies (37:2), ed. T. Augsburg, pp. 112-131.

    - ‘With AIS to Amsterdam 2019: Friendship and Interdisciplinary Studies in Global Contexts’, in Festschrift for Bill Newell, Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies, 2018 (36:2), pp. 212-216.

    - Editor of a Special Section on ‘Interdisciplinary Collaboration’ for Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies, 2017 (35), pp. 113-220.

    - Introduction: Multi-Level Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Cognition and Team Collaboration – Challenges and Opportunities, in Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies, 2017 (35), pp. 113-120.

    - Metacognition and Reflection by Interdisciplinary Experts: Insights from Cognitive Science and Philosophy, in Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies, 2017 (35), pp. 121-169.

    - Drawing on a Sculpted Space of Actions: Educating for Expertise while Avoiding a Cognitive Monster, in Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2017, (51:3), pp. 620-639.
    - An introduction to interdisciplinary research: theory and practice. S. Menken & M. Keestra (editors), Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, Amsterdam University Press 2016, 128 pp (co-author; sole author of sections on philosophy of science and on interdisciplinary integration)
    - A ‘Circulation Model’ of Education: A Response to Challenges of Education at the New University. A. Keestra & M. Keestra, Krisis – Journal for contemporary philosophy, 2015:2, pp. 90-98.
    - Understanding human action: integrating meanings, mechanisms, causes, and contexts (adapted version). In: V. Bazhanov & R.W. Scholz (Ed.), Transdisciplinarity in Philosophy and Science: Approaches, Challenges and Prospects. Navigator publishers, Moscow 2015, pp. 201-235.
    - ‘Conflict en compassie: een hedendaagse blik op Wagner en een wagneriaanse blik op onszelf’ (Conflict and compassion: a contemporary perspective on Wagner and a wagnerian perspective on ourselves), in conference proceedings of the int’l Wagner conference ‘Conflict and Compassion’, ed. R. Helmers & P. Westbroek, Nationale Opera en Ballet, Amsterdam 2014, pp. 157-166

    " Bounded mirroring: joint action and group membership in political theory and cognitive neuroscience " - book chapter in preparation for: Thinking about the Body Politic: Essays on Neuroscience and Political Theory. Edited by Frank Vandervalk,  Routledge, 2012, pp. 222-248 (see pdf for draft)

    "Concepts - not just yardsticks, but also heuristics: rebutting Hacker and Bennett " (response to a reply by H&B on Keestra & Cowley in Language Sciences, 2009);  Language Sciences, (2011) 33;3, 464-472 (see pdf for draft)
    " Understanding human action: integrating meanings, mechanisms, causes, and contexts. "- book chapter in: Interdisciplinary Research:Case Studies of Integrative Understandings of Complex Problems, edited by Allen F. Repko, Rick Szostak, and William H. Newell.  Sage, 2011, pp. 225-258. (see pdf of draft version)
    " Integration in Interdisciplinary Research and Transdisciplinary Research. Report from international transdisciplinary-net conference in Berne." - conference report by Julie Thompson Klein, Machiel Keestra & Rick Szostak, in AIS Newsletter, March 2010, p. 1-5 (see pdf)
    "Foundationalism and neuroscience; silence and language." Review article on 'Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience' (M. Bennett & P. Hacker;Blackwell 2003) - with S.J. Cowley -Language Sciences, 31;4 (july 2009), 531-552 (on-line since November 2007; doi: DOI: 10.1016/j.langsci.2007.09.004 )
    "The diverging force of imitation. Integrating cognitive science and hermeneutics." - Review of General Psychology, 12;2 (june 2008), 127-136.
    'Vliegles voor de uil van Minerva?: hoger onderwijs als voorbereiding op arbeidsmarkt en burgerschap." ('Flying lesson for the owl of Minerva?: higher education as prepariation for the job market and citizenship.') - Tijdschrift voor Hoger Onderwijs, 25, 2007/2; 69-83.
    '"Zonder kennis van de wiskunde geen toegang?" Conceptuele kwesties in de geschiedenis van de wiskunde' ('"No Entrance Without Knowledge of Mathematics?" Conceptual Questions in the History of Mathematics; 19-45) - in: 'Een cultuurgeschiedenis van de wiskunde.' M. Keestra (editor); Uitgeverij Nieuwezijds (Amsterdam, 2006).
    'Inleiding' - in ibidem, (1-18)
    'Darwin hat den Geist vergessen!' - Nietzsches worsteling met de evolutietheorie. ('Darwin has forgotten the mind!' - Nietzsche's struggle with evolutionary theory. E-publication at Blind! ( www.ziedaar.nl ) since Oct. 12, 2004.
    'Inleiding' (Introduction) -in 'Doorbraken in denatuurkunde.' M.Keestra (editor);Uitgeverij Nieuwezijds (Amsterdam,2001,2003) -pp. 11-23.
    'Aristoteles' - in 'Tien westerse filosofen.' M. Keestra (editor); Uitgeverij Nieuwezijds (Amsterdam, 2000, 2001), pp. 47-64.
    'Introduction' - in ibidem, pp. 11-22.
    'Elektra'und Hegels Unterbewertung der Subjektivität undöffentliche Gerechtigkeit auf der antiken Szene. ('Elektra' and Hegel's underestimation of subjectivity and public justiceonthe antique scene.) In: A. Arndt (ed.) Hegels Ästhetik. Die Kunst der Politik - die Politik der Kunst. Tl. I; Akademie Verlag (Berlin, 2000); pp. 116-120.
    Utopie: leidraad of valkuil. (Utopia) M. Keestra & H. Achterhuis (ed.)themanummer: Wijsgerig perspectief op maatschappij en wetenschap  Vol. 39, No. 4 (1998-1999). (Introduction; p. 97-98)
    'De strijd om het vermijden van tragische conflicten. Naar aanleiding van Hegels rechtsfilosofie.'(The Struggle for the Evasion of Tragic Conflicts. On Hegel'sPhilosophy of Right) In: Krisis, 1998: 71; pp. 93-99.
    'Hetbesluit tot handelen en reflectie. Naaraanleiding van Aristotle en Hegel.' (The Decision to Act and Reflect - in Aristotle and Hegel). In: Van Agora tot Markt, G. Groot (ed.), Rotterdamse Filosofische Studies XXI, Rotterdam 1996; pp. 159-164.
    'Quine, Davidson en Hegel op zoek naar betekenissen.' (Quine, Davidson and Hegel in search for Meanings). In: Congresbundel Filosofiedag Groningen 1995, Eburon (Delft 1995); pp. 95-99.
    '"Eén heerser moet er zijn!" - Schelling, Hegel en Aristoteles over een Homeruscitaat. ('There should be a Single Leader!' - Schelling, Hegel and Aristotle on a Quote of Homer.). In: Aktueel Filosoferen, W. van Dooren (ed.), Eburon (Delft 1993); pp. 146-152.
    'Waar stil te staan? Aristoteles en de vraag naar principes van kennis.' (Where to rest? Aristotle and the Quest for Principles of Knowledge.) In: Stoicheia, 1991: 2/3; pp. 3-24.
    'Het uitgangspunt van Hegels bemoeienis met de rechtsfilosofie.'(The starting point of Hegels interestin thePhilosophy ofRight) In: Stoicheia 1990: 3; pp. 3-9.

    Non-Academic publications

    - ‘Message of the President’, Integrative Pathways (AIS Newsletter), 2014; 3 pp.
    - ‘Mirrors of the Soul and Mirrors of the Brain? The Expression of Emotions as the Subject of Art and Science’, chapter in catalogue for Frans Halsmuseum exhibition on ‘Painted emotions’, ed. G. Schwartz, Nai10 publishers, Rotterdam, 2014; Dutch version 89-100; English 81-92.
    - ‘Burgemeester deed wat hij moest’ (On the anti-racism & - discrimination demonstration, Amsterdam March 22, 2014), newspaper Het Parool, March 26, 2014.
    - ‘Sinterklaas is rijp voor aanpassing aan de moderne tijd’ (On modernizing the Santaclaus & black Pete festival), op-ed with Mercedes Zandwijken in newspaper Het Parool, October 16, 2013.

    Heruitgevonden tradities: de sedertafel en de Keti Koti Verzoeningstafel (On the seder festival and slavery abolition celebration). Mercedes Zandwijken & Machiel Keestra; Kol Mokum, Febr. 2013 (see pdf)

    Bemoeienis met jongensbesnijdenis is ongewenst. (Intervention in male circumcision is undesirable.) Ingezonden brief, NRC Handelsblad, 4-5 Augustus 2012 (zie pdf voor oorspronkelijke en geplaatste versies)
    Paradox van de Virtuoos - over de menselijke vrije wil. (On the paradox of human free will.) In: Vreihijd (eenmalige publicatie van Castrum Peregrini; 25.000 ex. t.g.v. 4/5 mei 2012), Mei 2012, p. 47 (zie pdf)
    Evolutie, causaal pluralisme en open mechanismen (Evolution, causal pluralism and open mechanisms). 'De Filosoof', Journal of the dept. of philosophy, Utrecht University, Februari 2012 (see pdf below)

    'De ene persiflage is de andere niet.' (Not all persiflages are alike. Interview-essay on acase of black-face charicature on Dutch t.v.). Digital magazine Oerdigitaalvrouwenblad, Dec. 2009/Jan. 2010 (see link below).

    'De keuzeknop in het brein. Waarom de vrije wil begrensd is.' ('Selector switch in the brain. Why free will is limited.'Contains interview fragments with Haynes, Dijksterhuis, Hagoort and Keestra; authorR. Visscher)Natuurwetenschap  & Techniek, 2/2009; 57-62.

    'Nederland lijkt de schaamte voorbij. Stilte na Srebrenica-dagvaarding verwerpelijk.' (On the lawsuit against the Dutch government and the United Nations by the 'Mothers of Srebrenica') Op-ed article,NRC Next, June 12, 2007

    '40-'45geeft onswel te denken over asielbeleid.' (On the position ofchild-asylum seekers, and policyalways drifting between thelaw and morality) Op-ed article, co-signed by22 others, Trouw, October 24, 2006.

    'Nazaat slaaf moet leren verwerken.' (Co-interview with Mercedes Zandwijken ona Seder-like ritual devoted to remembering andcoping with the traces of slavery in Surinam)Het Parool,July 8,2006.

    'Sinterklaas en de vrije wil bestaan wel degelijk.' (Santa Claus and the free will do exist in fact.) Op-ed article, NRC Handelsblad, April 14, 2006.

    'Burgerschapsdeugden maken de buurt leefbaar - en vervolgens de wereld.' (Civic duties enhance the neighbourhood and the world.) Op-ed article, NRC Handelsblad, Dec. 3, 2005.

    'Intelligente ontwerper' helpt ons niet. ('Intelligent Designer' doesn't help us.) Op-ed article, NRC Handelsblad, June 9, 2005.

    'Reflecties over vaderschap.' - in H. Procee (ed.):Bij die wereld wil ik horen! Over academische vorming; Boom 2004, pp.

    "Over Vernieuwbouw -een crashcoursemetafysica"  (On Renovation - a crash course in metaphysics) In: ArCAM-tentoonstellingsbrochure 'Wegens verbouwing geopend,Oktober 2003;

    'De ongrijpbaarheid van ironie.' (The problem with Irony.) De Helling, Winter 2001 (17-18)

  • Publicaties



    • Keestra, M. (2020). Van narratieve tot dialogische identiteit: Identiteit en refiguratie tijdens de Keti Koti Tafel. Filosofie & Praktijk, 41(3), 19-39. [details]
    • Keestra, M., & Verloo, N. (2020). Too many cities in the city?: Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary city research methods and the challenge of integration. In N. Verloo, & L. Bertolini (Eds.), Seeing the City: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Study of the Urban (pp. 226-242). (Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity; Vol. 6). Amsterdam University Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv1b741xh.18





    • Keestra, M. (2012). Bounded mirroring: joint action and group membership in political theory and cognitive neuroscience. In F. Vander Valk (Ed.), Thinking about the Body Politic: Essays on Neuroscience and Political Theory (pp. 222-248). Routledge. [details]





    • Keestra, M. (2012). Understanding human action: integrating meanings, mechanisms, causes, and contexts. In A. F. Repko, W. H. Newell, & R. Szostak (Eds.), Case studies in interdisciplinary research (pp. 225-258). Sage. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781483349541 [details]





    • Keestra, M. (2015). Understanding Human Action. Integraiting Meanings, Mechanisms, Causes, and Contexts. In V. Bazhanov, & R. W. Scholz (Eds.), Transdisciplinarity in Philosophy and Science: Approaches, Problems, Prospects = Transdist︠s︡iplinarnostʹ v filosofii i nauke: podkhody, problemy, perspektivy (pp. 201-235). "Navigator" Publishing House. [details]


    • Keestra, M. (2014). Conflict en compassie: een hedendaagse blik op Wagner en een wagneriaanse blik op onszelf. In R. Helmers, & P. Westbroek (Eds.), Conflict en compassie: 200 jaar Richard Wagner (pp. 157-166). Nationale Opera & Ballet. [details]


    • Keestra, M. (2007). Vliegles voor de uil van Minerva? - Hoger onderwijs als voorbereiding op arbeidsmarkt en burgerschap. Tijdschrift voor Hoger Onderwijs, 25(2), 69-83. [details]


    • Keestra, M. (2003). Over vernieuwbouwing: een crashcourse metafysica. In Arcam: tentoonstellingsbrochure `wegens verbouwing geopend' (pp. 18-21). Arcam. [details]


    • Keestra, M. (2001). De ongrijpbaarheid van ironie. De Helling, 16-18. [details]


    • Keestra, M. (2000). Inleiding. In M. Keestra (Ed.), Tien westerse filosofen (pp. 11-22). Nieuwezijds. [details]


    • Keestra, M. (1999). 'Elektra' und Hegels unterbewertung der individualität und öffentlichen gerechtigkeit auf der antiken szene. In A. Arndt, B. Bal, & H. Ottmann (Eds.), Hegels Ästhetik: Die Kunst der Politik - Die Politik der Kunst (pp. 116-120). Akademie Verlag. [details]
    • Keestra, M., & Achterhuis, H. (1999). Utopie, leidraad of valkuil: inleiding. Wijsgerig Perspectief op Maatschappij en Wetenschap, 39(4), 97-98. [details]


    • Keestra, M. (1998). De strijd om het vermijden van tragische conflicten: naar aanleiding van Hegels rechtsfilosofie: [Bespreking van: C. Menke (1996) Tragödie im Sittlichen: gerechtigkeit und freiheit nach Hegel; P. Cobben (1996) Postdialectische zedelijkheid: ontwerp voor een Hegeliaans antwoord op Heidegger, Habermans, Derrida en Levinas]. Krisis, 71, 93-99. [details]


    • Keestra, M. (1996). Het besluit tot handelen en reflectie: naar aanleiding van Aristoteles en Hegel. Rotterdamse Filosofische Studies, 21, 159-164. [details]


    • Keestra, M. (1995). Quine, Davidson en Hegel op zoek naar betekenissen. In M. ter Hark, P. S. Hasper, & R. G. Hilbrands (Eds.), Congresbundel filosofiedag Groningen (pp. 95-99). Eburon. [details]


    • Keestra, M. (1993). Eén heerser moet er zijn: Schelling, Hegel en Artistoteles over een Homeruscitaat. In W. van Dooren, & T. Hoff (Eds.), Aktueel Filosoferen (pp. 146-152). Eburon. [details]


    • Keestra, M. (1991). Waar stil te staan? Aristoteles en de vraag naar principes van kennis. Stoicheia : Tijdschrift voor Historische Wijsbegeerte, 6(2/3), 3-24. [details]


    • Keestra, M. (1990). Het uitgangspunt van Hegels bemoeienis met de rechtsfilosofie: [ter inleiding]. Stoicheia : Tijdschrift voor Historische Wijsbegeerte, 5(3), 3-9. [details]


    • Keestra, M. (2021). Interdisciplinarity and the Challenge of Diversity. Paper presented at Münchenwiler seminar, Bern, Switzerland.
    • Keestra, M. (2021). Netzwerke und Kooperationen - als inter- und transdisziplinaere Aufgabe. Paper presented at Netzwerke und Kooperationen DENKEN, Innovation in der Hochschullehre
    • Keestra, M., Klein, J., Vilsmaier, U., Merçon, J., & O'Rourke, M. (2021). Engaging Stakeholders in Cross-disciplinary and Cross-sector Work: International Lessons about Diversity and Inclusivity for Responsible Collaboration, Integration, and Learning.
    • Keestra, M., Zandwijken, M., Hirsch, P., Frank, A., & Dieleman, H. (2021). Inverting the Transdisciplinary Research Process for Creating Generative Space and Avoiding Closed Mind-Sets: a Workshop on Reverse Project Initiation. Paper presented at International Transdisciplinarity Conference.



    • Keestra, M. (2016). What are we integrating in interdisciplinary research? Towards more robust explanations and models in environmental and cognitive sciences. Paper presented at Cátedra Patrimonial en Medio Ambiente: DR. HÉCTOR MAYAGOITIA DOMÍNGUEZ, Mexico, Mexico.

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie


    • Keestra, M. (27-09-2016). NEUROPOLITIEK De strijd om het brein van de kiezer [Print] De Morgen. NEUROPOLITIEK De strijd om het brein van de kiezer. http://www.demorgen.be/plus/neuropolitiek-de-strijd-om-het-brein-van-de-kiezer-b-1474933206782/
    • Keestra, M. (15-11-2015). Amsterdam FM [Radio] Amsterdam, Amsterdam FM. Amsterdam FM.
    • Keestra, M. (31-01-2015). Filosofie, literatuur en muziek: Mantovani - Schlemihl, Strauss - Also Sprach Zarathustra [Radio] Amsterdam, Radio 4. Filosofie, literatuur en muziek: Mantovani - Schlemihl, Strauss - Also Sprach Zarathustra.
    • Keestra, M. (20-03-2011). Interview met Keestra t.b.v. documentaire over Wagner's Parsifal voor NTR Podium [Television] Amsterdam, NTR Podium. Interview met Keestra t.b.v. documentaire over Wagner's Parsifal voor NTR Podium. http://player.omroep.nl/?aflid=12294841
    • Keestra, M. (20-02-2011). Columns voor Amsterdam FM-radioprogramma "Swammerdam - wetenschap in Amsterdam" [Radio] Amsterdam. Columns voor Amsterdam FM-radioprogramma "Swammerdam - wetenschap in Amsterdam". http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/m.keestra/page2.html


    • Keestra, M. (editor) (2011). Synthese (Journal).


    • Keestra, M. (speaker) (6-1-2022). Interdisciplinary research: shaping new connections between problems and colleagues, Zayed University.
    • Keestra, M. (speaker) (8-11-2018). Interdisciplinary Integration After the Neuro-turn: Problems with the ‘Neurofication’ of Theology, Georgia Institute of Technology. https://mediaspace.gatech.edu/media/keestra.mpg/1_t0bu81p4/51501371
    • Keestra, M. (speaker) (24-3-2017). Challenges for Expertise in an Interdisciplinary Team Context: Metacognizing and its Role in Distributed Cognition, Saint Mary's University, Twickenham.
    • Keestra, M. (speaker) (16-11-2016). Narrative simulation and agency: minimizing prediction error and enhancing coherence?, Worlding the Brain: Patterns and Rhythms in Neuroscience and the Humanities, Amsterdam.
    • Keestra, M. (speaker) (28-10-2016). Interdisciplinarity as fostering – not deterimental to – disciplinary academic education: some results from the A’dam Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Ottawa.
    • Keestra, M. (speaker) (6-10-2016). Facing the challenges of interdisciplinary research: step by step through a multi-phase model of interdisciplinary research, Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo (CIIEMAD).
    • Keestra, M. (speaker) (28-4-2016). Interdisciplinary Research – Introducing a Process Model, INION.
    • Keestra, M. (speaker) (17-3-2016). Constraining our predictive brains with narratives as cognitive tools: can we avoid social exclusion?, Worlding the Brain: Patterns and Rhythms in Neuroscience and the Humanities, Amsterdam.
    • Keestra, M. (speaker) (9-12-2015). Licht brengen in de duisternis? Controverses tijdens en na de Verlichting, Spui 25 voordracht, Amsterdam.
    • Keestra, M. (speaker) (24-10-2015). Playing the Devil's Advocate: 
Is there a tension between the goals of interdisciplinarity and the values of diversity?, Association for Interdisciplinary Studies conference, Merrimack College, Andover MA.
    • Keestra, M. (speaker) (12-9-2015). Outdated yet still relevant: Aristotle’s ‘Posterior Analytics’ as a challenger of a current philosophy of science.
, Conference: Liberal Arts and Sciences and Core Texts in the European Context, Amsterdam.
    • Keestra, M. (speaker) (13-3-2015). Enhancing Integrative Psychological Science as Interdisciplinary, Distributed, Team Cognition: Meeting the Challenge of Intercultural Differences, International Convention of Psychological Science, Amsterdam.
    • Keestra, M. (speaker) (15-10-2011). Some positions in the trajectory of the interdisciplinary interpretation of Aristotle's ethical theory, Association for Integrtive Studies annual conference, Grand Rapids (MI). http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/m.keestra/bestanden/TrajectoryEthics%20Presentation_AIS2011_Keestra_MK151011.ppt
    • Keestra, M. (speaker) (14-10-2011). Understanding Human Action. Integrating Meanings, Mechanisms, Causes, and Contexts. Presentation for a panel on 'Case Studies in Interdisciplinary Research (eds. Repko, Newell, Szostak, 2011), Association for Integrative Studies annual conference, Grand Rapids (MI). https://home.medewerker.uva.nl/homepage/bestanden/Case%20Studies_Action%20understanding_AIS%20conf%202011_Keestra_141011.ppt.pdf
    • Keestra, M. (speaker) (16-6-2011). Assumptions of de-composability and re-composability in interdisciplinary research: lessons from cognitive neuroscience., Inaugural seminar of the International Network for Interdisciplinarity & Transdisciplinarity, Utrecht.
    • Keestra, M. (speaker) (2-4-2011). Imaging the Mind or Opening Pandora’s Box? Introduction to 2 nd day of the conference ‘Imaging the mind? Taking stock a decade after the ‘decade of the brain’', International conference ‘Imaging the mind? Taking stock a decade after the ‘decade of the brain’', Amsterdam. http://webcolleges.uva.nl/mediasite/Viewer/?peid=1b146100a8474939a96fa539a138a31f1d
    • Keestra, M. (speaker) (27-3-2011). "Nie sollst du mich befragen" - grondeloosheid en vertrouwen in Wagner’s Lohengrin (Groundlessness and trust in Wagner’s Lohengrin), Annual seminar of the Nederlands Wagner Genootschap, Ermelo (NL).


    • Keestra, M. (chair) & de Greef, L. (chair) (24-10-2019 - 26-10-2019). Interdisciplinarity in Global Contexts, Amsterdam. 'Interdisciplinarity in Global Contexts' - the Annual Conference of the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (organising a conference, workshop, ...). https://interdisciplinarystudies.org/conference-2019/
    • Besser, S. (organiser), Keestra, M. (organiser), Lysen, F. C. (organiser), Kiverstein, J. D. (organiser), Pisters, P. P. R. W. (organiser) & Kuipers, H. H. (organiser) (2-11-2017 - 4-11-2017). Worlding the Brain 2, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Keestra, M. (participant) (14-9-2017). International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2017, Lüneburg. Invited plenary panel organizer and chair: "Teaching And Learning In Transdisciplinary Environments. Preparing The Next Generation For Navigating (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBXh19691YA&list=PLvna7tMNVD9v0yBx8xcVVyd-JXDWvRGQc&index=6
    • Keestra, M. (participant) (2-2-2017). National Interdisciplinary Education Conference, Amsterdam. Co-organizer, with drs. Linda de Greef, of the first of an ongoing series of Dutch National Interdisciplinary Education conferences (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Besser, S. (organiser), Keestra, M. (organiser), Pisters, P. P. R. W. (organiser) & Kiverstein, J. D. (organiser) (16-11-2016). Predictive Processing as an Interdisciplinary Concept, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Besser, S. (organiser), Keestra, M. (organiser), Kiverstein, J. D. (organiser), Lysen, F. C. (organiser) & Pisters, P. P. R. W. (organiser) (17-3-2016 - 19-3-2016). Worlding the Brain: Patterns and Rhythms in Neuroscience and the Humanities, Amsterdam. These upcoming three days, numerous artists and scholars from diversebackgrounds will address the ubiquity of the human brain in contemporary (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...). https://worldingthebrain2016.com/


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  • Nevenwerkzaamheden
    • stichting Keti Koti Tafel (/Table)
      Co-founder, author of materials and (occasionally) dialogue table co-facilitator