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Find out how and where you can get the answers to your questions.


Would you like to get to know our programme in more detail? Visit the UvA Bachelor's Week in November.

Central Student Service Desk

The Central Student Service Desk is your first stop for questions about studying at the UvA. They will be able to assist you with any questions when it comes to choosing your degree programme, enrolment, financial assistance, and living and studying in Amsterdam.

Programme-related questions

If you have specific questions about the study programme, please contact the Faculty of Humanities Education Desk:

  • Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00-17:00
  • Visiting address: Turfdraagsterpad 15-17, 1012 XT Amsterdam, room 0.06
  • Phone: +31 20 525 4952

Study association

We recommend joining your degree programme's study association at the start of the first year. This will help you with both your studies and social life: you will get to know your fellow students in far less time and participate in activities that relate to your chosen field of study. In many cases, membership also offers practical advantages, such as discounts on study books.

The study association for Global Arts, Culture and Politics is Maecenas. Maecenas organises activities such as get-togethers, cultural outings and book sales for some lectures.

Explore your campus

Want to see where you will be studying? Explore the campus in our virtual map, or plan a visit and experience it yourself using the interactive app.