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With a Bachelor’s degree in hand, you can choose to enrol in a related Master’s programme or take your first steps on the job market. The programme provides you with the academic and research skills to engage with today’s global challenges and transitions.

As a graduate you will have developed unique academic abilities relevant to a career in your specific subject area, as well as a range of employment opportunities where a critical, curious, and independent disposition is essential. You may expect to work for: governmental institutions, museums, heritage foundations, educational organisations, in public policy and governance, in academia, in media or journalism.

Copyright: Greetje van der Werf
The right to participate freely in the cultural life of the community is an internationally recognized human right. Which histories of cultural suppression lie behind the establishment of this principle? What role can states play in protecting this right, at a national and an international level? Dr Tamara van Kessel

Master’s programmes

Most students enrol in a Master’s programme to acquire broader or more specialised academic knowledge. The UvA offers over 150 one-, one and a half- and two-year Master’s programmes, many of which are taught in English. Towards the end of your course, you will be extensively supervised in choosing a suitable Master's if you wish to continue your studies.

With a Bachelor's degree in Global Arts, Culture and Politics, you might be eligible for admission to the one-year (60 EC) Master's programmes:

You could also opt for a Dual Master's programme: a profession-oriented programme at academic level of one and a half-year (90 EC), including an internship. Due to the limited number of available internships, a strict selection procedure is in place. Admission is not guaranteed. With a Bachelor's degree in Global Arts, Culture and Politics you might be interested in applying for the following Dual Master's programmes:

Students with a strong interest in research can also apply for one of our two-year Research Master's programmes (120 EC). There is a selection process for all Research Master's programmes. Admission is not guaranteed. Selection criteria include, but are not limited to your motivation, study results, thesis, and the content of your Bachelor's programme. With a Bachelor's degree in Global Arts, Culture and Politics you might be interested in applying for the following Research Master's:

Your diploma is not a farewell

After graduating, you don't have to say goodbye to the University of Amsterdam! We are happy to help you develop your career. You can join the young alumni programme, which will assist you in mapping out your career. And as an alumnus, you can also still use the Student Careers Centre.