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Would you like to find out more about PPLE? Or do you have a question for one of our staff? We would be happy to help you. Find the best way to get in touch with PPLE College staff and students below.


Questions about your admission? You may find the answer in our FAQs on admission.
In case the answer to your question cannot be found there, maybe the FAQs on the UvA website regarding practical matters hold the answer.

You are welcome to call our admissions team during their weekly phone hours:

  • Tuesday: 9.30-11.30 (CET)
  • Thursday: 14.00-16.00 (CET)
  • +31 (0) 20 525 9099

Phone hours are cancelled on Tuesday September 17th.


Visit PPLE

Would you like to pay PPLE College a visit to get a better sense of what our programme is like? In that case, we kindly ask that you register for one of our campus tours. Due to high demand, we work with set dates and times.

PPLE College is located in the P Building on the UvA Campus:

Building P

Plantage Muidergracht 24

1018 TV Amsterdam

Open Days

The University of Amsterdam regularly holds open days, which are a great opportunity to get to know more about the university, its campus and its many Bachelor's degree programmes. You can check out the UvA Open Days calendar here.

Contact PPLE's Bright Minds Fund

Questions about PPLE scholarship programme can be directed to brightmindsfund-pple@uva.nl.

Support the Fund

Would you like to learn more about how you can become part of the Bright Minds Fund donor network or make a onetime donation? You can find all the information for donors on the Bright Minds Fund website. 

Get in touch